Hi All, I went in for 2nd angiogram on Friday 13th...The surgeon decided to look at my smaller arteries,it was very uncomfortable,in the recovery lounge,I suffered a massive stoke,they asked me to sign a waiver to accept a massive intravenous blood thinners,I asked the nurse if I was going to die,and she said she couldnt say,but I needed the treatment to hopefully stay alive,God,I was so frightened,they put me on the stroke ward with all the usual scans,blood tests,24 hour watch etc.O n the sunday I suffered another small stroke....They let me home on Tuesday after usual physio etc,on the way home from the hospital a van hit us up the back of the car,I suffered an angina attack,ambulance called,checked me out,home visits from nurse,physio,occ.therapy,rehab,you name it they are calling, I am feeling so afraid of going to sleep,frustrated as I cant speack properly and my right side is weak,I feel out of my depth with it all,my husband says I will feel better in a couple of weeks.I know he means well, but I really dont think he understands,I cry a lot too,is all this normal,sorry its such a long one,I have to use spell check as some words come out spelt quite odd x
stroke after angiogram: Hi All, I went... - British Heart Fou...
stroke after angiogram

What a truly dreadful experience for you. Suffering a stroke is probably what many of us fear most.
I'm sure you will receive many replies from those who have suffered similarly to help you cope.
Sending best wishes for your recovery.
Sorry to hear you’re really going through it at the moment. I didn’t have a stroke but was in a similar car accident on my way to cardiac rehabilitation. I was very very tearful and I still don’t like going out in the car. Your husband is probably try to reassure himself as well as you by saying you’ll be fine in a couple of weeks. I get similar messages from my husband. Try to keep positive and just relax and let your body and mind heal. Try not to worry and let people take care of you. We’re all here for you.
It's early days yet and you need a lot of rest - the brain takes a while to settle down again. It;s been a truly awful time for you but it will get better. You are obviously an intelligent lady and you may be having trouble with spelling but you can read so that's a plus. Getting yourself over the fear is a hurdle but make sure that amongst the people that are calling in there is someone you can unburden to. Expect to feel frustrated and to get better slowly. Don't try to be brave all the time - a good cry can be very helpful. Best wishes xx
You have been through a really frightening time and as others say you need time to allow both your body and mind to recover. It's the not knowing how much you can improve and fears of the future that can cause high anxiety levels. Sounds like you are doing really well so try not to be hard on yourself. Positivity and willingness to be open to rehab seeking support etc will be of enormous benefit to you. I am attaching a link to the Stroke Association which has lots of information including accounts of those who have had similar problems to yourself. Be good to hear how you get on it you get the chance. stroke.org.uk/
Good luck and best wishes to you
Thank you all for your lovely replies,I,m so glad I found you all,and I will follow the link to stroke.org.uk as suggested x

You have certainly had a very frightening time thank you for sharing your experience.
I am always so humbled by other people's stories and their ability to find their way through the challenges.
I recognise that sense of bewilderment and feeling out of your depth a common feeling for many of us who share an extreme life altering event.
It is okay to feel what you feel and I have cried a river of frustration too because I can no longer live my life the way I did.
Be kind to yourself and do ask others for help when you need to...something I am really bad at doing.
Sending my best wishes