Well in April at the time of my HA my cholesterol level was 10.6!!! I was put on a 5mg dose of statin and also changed my whole way of eating as I was determined to get the level down. Well it worked I have lost 1 stone 3 pounds and my level is now 3.7!!! Results said NORMAL!!! I couldn't believe it so, yes, I am feeling very proud of my efforts. I eat all my meals within a 6 hour period. I do not have breakfast (can't face it after all the meds) and lunch is between 2-3pm with dinner at 7-8[m. I have, unfortunately, given up butter, cream and cheese and replaced with Flora active. I have always cooked from scratch so didn't have to give up processed food or food with trans fats. I am a vegetarian but also eat fish/milk.
So that's one hurdle conquered. The next one is I am borderline Type 2 Diabetic. Although my level has come down by 2 it is still not enough. So that is my next challenge. Watch this space in a few months. I really would like to be smug again. LOL.