high cholesterol:(: I was told I had... - British Heart Fou...

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high cholesterol:(

Shanxox profile image
71 Replies

I was told I had high cholesterol if 5.4 where I got abit panicky so I started to diet and cut out rubbish and drink benecol yoghurts I went back 3 months after for re check they had gone up to 5.6 where I’m now abit anxious constantly about it and now really struggling with dieting and what to eat I’m very fussy as it is because I’m autistic. I’m only 26 and this is nerve wracking just need some moral support and advice

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Shanxox profile image
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71 Replies
Stentsandrun profile image

OK, first of all stop worrying about diet, or more specifically diets. At you age you need to adopt a proper balanced one, there is loads of information but you could look at just the BHF stuff or talk to one of the BHF nurses. In any case, unless your diet is particularly bad, it is unlikely the high cholesterol is coming from food you are ingesting. Also, don't waste your money on Benecol yoghurt or anything else that claims to be a miracle cure, sure it might make a very small difference alongside a balanced diet and medication for those who need it, but it's not going to be a cure. For sure use things like Benecol spread instead of butter though as a lot of dairy products contain high amounts of saturated fat. Make sure you steer clear of processed foods, this includes mass produced white and brown bread, try and buy bread that actually does only have the 3 or 4 main ingredients in it. I could go on but you need to research it yourself and make it part of your lifestyle, along with exercise if you don't already. I don't know if your GP would actually do anything at your age but it is something you need to keep an eye on, as you obviously are, so focus on something like a mediterranean diet and regular exercise and try not to get to obsessed, the recommended value is under 5 for someone with no family history of heart disease, do you have any?

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toStentsandrun

Yeah my diet can be up and down, iv tried to cut out less takeaways and fatty foods and junk, tried to replace and add more fruit and veg, I think it must of come from food and my diet as I’m not sure where else it would of come from, there’s no family history of heart disease from what I know, my mums sister has things like tachycardia from what I know that’s it not sure if anything else, but maybe worth me looking into it. But thank you for the advice iv become heavily obsessed and worried on the situation to the point it consumes me everyday I just worry about it. But thank you I will try my best with trying to maintain a healthier diet.

Stentsandrun profile image
Stentsandrun in reply toShanxox

At your age you have years to modify you eating habits so there is no need to get obsessed. You really need to stop eating takeaways apart from the odd "treat" if that's what you want to call it, along with fatty and junk food. Do it now while you have plenty of time, and cut out all processed food. Look at food labels and avoid those crammed with additives and preservatives. For example "proper" bread has 3 or 4 ingredients, water flour yeast and salt. A McDonalds bun has something like 12 ingredients, along with the so called burger, so work it out for yourself? Also try and get plenty of exercise, it's easy not to when you are young. Try and cook meals from fresh if possible, good luck.

Vonnie4 profile image
Vonnie4 in reply toShanxox

Get yourself checked for familial hypercholesterolemia. It's a genetic defect which you can have from birth. I have always had high cholesterol. I got to age 57 before I was told why. Now on Praluent to keep ldl down . However it does amaze me that having supposedly had high cholesterol since birthI i got to 57 with no heart problems. Makes you wonder sometimes what all the fuss about high cholesterol really is about since I've been healthy my entire life with a strong immune system and rarely ill as a child!

Sharpglo profile image
Sharpglo in reply toStentsandrun

Can people please put the full words I never know what the letters mean….

1a2b3 profile image
1a2b3 in reply toStentsandrun

Hi there, with your high cholesterol, have they checked for lipid protein lp(a) . This is an hereditary condition that can affect your LDL cholesterol. I am a 66 year-old female my 92-year-old mother and six-year-old sister both have it. I have three daughters my youngest who is 29 has tested positive. The other two have you had to have the blood test done. I feel terrible that this is something that I have passed on to them, but knowing this at the age of 29 rather than 66 gives them the opportunity to, be as proactive as they can to keep their cholesterol in check and be more aware of what they are eating that could be affecting their LDL. Someone else mentioned food isn’t always a culprit, but there are things we can do to help.

Stentsandrun profile image
Stentsandrun in reply to1a2b3

Not sure if you were replying to the OP or me, but whatever - if you get this reply I too have high LP(a), might be worth a chat?

jhutc16 profile image
jhutc16 in reply toStentsandrun

Don't worry about saturated fat. It's carbs that can elevate your cholesterol "level", if indeed you worry about that at all!

Stentsandrun profile image
Stentsandrun in reply tojhutc16

Not sure which Youtuber you got that from but with respect looking at your Bio you are probably not really in a position to advise?

Happyrosie profile image

just to add to what Stentsandrun has said. You don’t need to spend extra money on manufactured foods like Benecol. Research “Mediterranean diet” which gives you the basics - but dont spend any money on anything advertised you see when you research.

So many people are after your money!

Plenty of fresh vegetables, just a little olive oil, if you must have butter then have proper butter not a spread (and just a little).

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toHappyrosie

Yeah I always brought benceol yoghurts thinking they would help but my cholesterol still went up after a good diet and with those for multiple weeks, but yeah I don’t touch any type of spread or butter I don’t like them. My biggest issue to try and cut out is fatty foods and chocolate as I have a obsession with chocolate 😂

Stentsandrun profile image
Stentsandrun in reply toShanxox

Try and eat dark chocolate, if you must have milk try and avoid any food, not just chocolate, with palm oil in it, not only is it bad for you it's really bad for the planet. You have to "wean" yourself of the taste of mainstream cadbury's crap and eat really good choccy, once you do you won't want to go back.

Tindy2 profile image
Tindy2 in reply toShanxox

The consultant at the lipid clinic told me not to bother with benecol products , she said “ if it was any good it would be prescribed “.

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toTindy2

That’s very true

soppysokes profile image

did they specify the ratio’s its important info to have.

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply tosoppysokes

No was told it was high at 5.4 then 5.6 and that’s it on my nhs I have the results though if like totally ratio if that’s what you mean?

Lowerfield_no_more profile image
Lowerfield_no_more in reply toShanxox

Try this


Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toLowerfield_no_more

Apparently according to my records my Total cholesterol:HDL ratio is 3.8. And my Serum total cholesterol level: 5.8. My Serum HDL cholesterol level: 1.5 and my Serum LDL cholesterol level 3.5.

Lowerfield_no_more profile image
Lowerfield_no_more in reply toShanxox

So in fact you are not far off the recommended levels as I said in my other post, total cholesterol is a little high, ditto LDLs (bad cholesterol), but by adjusting your diet as I have suggested in the other post, as have others, you should bring them down, especially if coupled with lifestyle measures. Typically simple measures like a bowl of porridge with a few blueberries but no sugar for breakfast, rather than a bowl of cornflakes with sugar or an 'energy bar' will make all the difference.

Sizzlerman profile image
Sizzlerman in reply toShanxox

Hi, I had high cholesterol when I had a heart attack and it was 4.9. The only problem was .19 of that was HDL the rest was the bad LDL. I now have it under control with change of diet and exercise. I remember the doctor saying as a rule of thumb (but it changes) the HDL needs to be above 1 and the LDL below 3. I remember the last time I took my own cholestrol reading the overall was 3.1. Have blood tests every year due to stents fitted and severe circumflex disease.

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toSizzlerman

I’m sorry that happened to you, I’m glad you are okay and doing better now. Thank you for the support

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply tosoppysokes

Apparently according to my records my Total cholesterol:HDL ratio is 3.8. And my Serum total cholesterol level: 5.8. My Serum HDL cholesterol level: 1.5 and my Serum LDL cholesterol level 3.5.

in reply toShanxox

Bizarre why nobody has even mentioned triglycerides which shows at the time of the blood test what the amount of sugars that are in the liver.

It's important to determine your tryglycerides to hdl ratio which really should be 1 or lower.

VLDL is the same as triglycerides.

Another important marker is what residual cholesterol is left which is total cholesterol - (hdl +ldl)

Look up residual cholesterol

Shanxox In actual fact your cholesterol is not all that high imo. The recommended max from the NHS website says 5.0 max for total lipids, and at 5.4 and 5.6 you are not really much above that. An adjustment in diet as suggested by others e.g using the BHF guidelines will no doubt reduce your total lipids to about the recommended max. However there are other ' lifestyle' measures which are just as important in reducing your heart health risk which include exercise, body weight management, alcohol consumption and not smoking, and you would be well advised to research them further, again using the BHF website as a starter, and one spin off from these is that you may reduce your total cholesterol even further if you take them up.

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toLowerfield_no_more

Thank you

sandandkev profile image

Mine was 5.5 for years and was told it was ok

Andy_Childs profile image

hi Shan,

Try not to panic, there will be a way to help reduce it.

You have to be sure you are really eating honestly and cut out most things naughty for a bit, and also try special drinks. I personally make my own smoothie, which contains a carrot, banana, handful of blueberries, handful of kale, a little mango juice (unsweetened) and a load of cranberry juice, and for good measures put a cholesterol lowering yogurt in it too and blend this up.

In 4 weeks with the aid of this and eating as clean as possible I’ve gone from 4.8 to 2.5.

I’m on 10mg of statin too which helps.

Hope this helps, hang in there, you will do it!


Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toAndy_Childs

Oh wow well done you! Thank you for the advice I do like smoothies so might be an idea for me to try and adventure with different ones. Thank you for the help and advice means a lot I’m going to try my best

Segovia123 profile image

High cholesterol isn't necessarily linked to poor diet, your body is producing too much of it and it's the way you are made. Unfortunately on solution isvthr meds

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toSegovia123

Well my diet wasn’t the greatest if I’m honest so we will see if it improves or not I guess

JeremiahObadiah profile image
JeremiahObadiah in reply toShanxox

As a worrier I can totally understand that this has made you feel a bit swamped.

However, knowledge and especially knowledge at a young age is actually a huge advantage.

Now you know that diet can be a negative you can turn this around for your future years and make it a positive.

Eat well, fresh home cooked whole food with an emphasis on vegetables/plant foods will make a difference to your cholesterol , to your gut beneficial bacteria and possibly make you feel better overall. Aim to be at a sensible body weight for your frame. Consistently eating a healthy and portion size appropriate diet will get you to a good weight.

Exercise -even if it is just walking, but don’t go too hard or too fast with extreme exercise routines as injuries or over exercise can follow. Try something like Couch 2 5k to get yourself moving more if you haven’t done much exercise since school.

Don’t smoke. If you do, get help to quit now.

Drink alcohol very sparingly.

Avoid ultra processed foods, additives to make it extra tasty are not kind to your body or your self control! Avoid salted or sugary snacks. Salt is not beneficial in any large amount and your tastebuds adjust to crave it. And as for refined sugar, it is so easy to eat and so easy to regret !!

Look up Mediterranean style diets and how replacing saturated fats with olive oils and nuts(not too many as these are still fattening but they are good fats) change how your body uses the cholesterol the liver generates. I have over simplified this but if you are interested you can fill in the knowledge.

You will no doubt feel a bit overwhelmed to begin with-I did when I learned that I have high cholesterol-but I have tried to put in a few words what I’ve since learned. Also, in time, if you have to take statins , this medication works very well for most people and has done for me. It gets a bad press from some naysayers but it is non addictive so can be switched or stopped as recommended by your Dr. However, with adopting healthy habits and eating you can give yourself the best chances, getting fit and healthy now to avoid medication and ill health for many, many years.

Wishing you long healthfulness.

Gigi70 profile image


I found it difficult to get dietary advice when I was diagnosed with familial hypercholestereamia. All they want to do was medicate but I reacted badly to the drugs and could only take very low dose but have severe disease.


I found the Esselstyn’s plant based diet very helpful and have been following for 11 years. The main culprit for raising cholesterol is animal fats so no cheese no butter no cream and he suggests no animal protein either.

Good luck there are other plant based fat free dietary gurus about. Do read up and find out more. Even making sone changes in this direction will improve your cholesterol particularly LDL which is the dangerous element.

Good luck


Pollypuss profile image

I cannot take Statins so rely on the eating plan for heart disease . Yes I use Benacol so do a few other people I know with good results. But why therefore did I need a bypass because my cholesterol was normal so was my blood pressure and weight etc. The only time I had high cholesterol and warned about it was when I went on the contraceptive pill many years ago. I exercise a lot play tennis at 81 . My heart disease is hereditary so it seems whatever I did it was still waiting to happen at age 78 . My advice is everything in moderation which is my husbands mantra . He is 96

MoretonCross profile image
MoretonCross in reply toPollypuss

Very well done to you and your husband! You've made me smile 😃 this morning. X

L8Again profile image

Cholesterol levels are probably one of the most researched but least understood parts of medical science. What is listed as being abnormal in the UK is deemed to be normal/borderline in a number of other countries.

Recent research has shown that people with a very low LDL (bad cholesterol) level will rarely suffer a cardiac event. For many years, Canada did not consider the Total Cholesterol result: they just looked at the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol and triglycerides.

A consultant will tell you that if there is a family history of high Total Cholesterol (familial) then you could live solely on lettuce leaves and it would make no difference whatsoever to your cholesterol levels.

That said, a good diet has benefits outwith just cholesterol.

In sum, don’t panic. Do what you can to manage your cholesterol levels through diet and exercise. Ask your GP surgery for an annual test and follow the medical advice that is given.

Graph showing European cholesterol levels.
Carlettejaque profile image

You're cholesterol levels might be inherited. 5.5 is a level i would love to have. Mine was 7.7 last time it was checked. I have stomach issues and have had a virtually fat free diet for the last 40 years. You could try cutting out dairy products. There are high levels of fat in milk products. Doctors seem to be obsessed with cholesterol levels. I recently read a book written by a GP of 25 years who says its stress that causes damage to endothelial cells that line arteries. But who do you beleive?My advice, stop worrying about it. If you don't smoke or drink alcohol and exercise you'll be okay.

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toCarlettejaque

I’m sorry to hear that. But yeah I don’t smoke or drive and I’m trying to diet and cut out the junk food as best I can and go for atleast one walk a day :)

Kimkat profile image
Kimkat in reply toCarlettejaque

The problem I have with all of this advice about cutting out fats is that around 8 years ago I had a bone scan and I was told to eat at least a cube of cheese, a glass of milk and a yoghurt a day, it’s a minefield with all of this information.

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toKimkat

Yeah it’s good to keep some for bone health but I guess just limiting what you have

in reply toCarlettejaque

Can you tell me how fat raises cholesterol?

Low fat diets just substitute fats with sugars and it's sugar that actually raises cholesterol

Carlettejaque profile image
Carlettejaque in reply to

I read that fat doesn't raise cholesterol. The Atkins diet is supposed to be a good one. I eat a very low fat diet but have 7.7 cholesterol. I think its genetic. I am statin intolerant so have been prescribed Ezitimbe. I read a book recently that says its not cholesterol that damages arteries its stress. Never eat when you're stressed because the result is fat. Of course if you over eat then those extra calories will lay down in the body as fat. Read the hook. Cholesterol the big Con. Get it from Amazon. It's an eye opener. Its by a proper doctor.

in reply toCarlettejaque

I know that fat doesn't raise cholesterol its the sugar we consume and specially upf and biscuits, cakes, sweets and alchohol.

Gigi70 profile image
Gigi70 in reply toCarlettejaque

no wonder your cholesterol is so high! The con is not taking notice of the research, atherasclorosis is caused by a poor cholesterol profile with imbalanced HDL and LDL. This balance can be adjusted but low hoid cholesterol creates high LDL. Once you’ve blockages caused by the build up of atherasclorosis this is practically irresversable

the docs telling you this condition does not exist are rogue and creating false information. If they were correct all the efforts by Lipid clinics would be wasted if you gave this inherited condition - and what do your people say about children developing massively high LDL heart disease because of both parents passing these genes to their child?

Carlettejaque profile image
Carlettejaque in reply toGigi70

What makes you say that no wonder my cholesterol is so high.? I don't eat fat or sugar?

Gigi70 profile image
Gigi70 in reply toCarlettejaque

hi - did you not you had 7.7 cholesterol?

Carlettejaque profile image
Carlettejaque in reply toGigi70

I've always had high cholesterol. Could be because I'm on steroids. My grandad had high cholesterol but he smoked all his life. I don't eat fat or sweets, cakes or chocolate. I've had a diet of boiled lean chicken and rice for donkeys years .

Gigi70 profile image
Gigi70 in reply toCarlettejaque

Me too but if it’s inherited you need strong medication - it’s totally unfair I agree. I am in the same boat and despite perfect fat free plant based eating I’ve angina and 2 heart attacks!

Stay positive and do your best reducing cholesterol by cutting out all animal fat and increasing your fruit/vegetables and hope for the best!

Gigi70 profile image
Gigi70 in reply toGigi70

Plus you should be referred to a lipid clinic where they can check if you’ve inherited high cholesterol. I had to have all my close relatives checked too, the inherited variety high cholesterol affects you people like you.

Carlettejaque profile image
Carlettejaque in reply toGigi70

I've already had a TIA . I've got cardiovascular disease, Eryghromelalgia in my feet which absolutely drives me bonkers. And recently diagnosed with severe Cerebral Small Vessel Disease. Means not enough oxygen getting to my brain. I have about 5 years left. I have severe IBS and stomach erosion so can't tolerate fruit and only limited veg. I've just resigned myself to the outcome.

Gigi70 profile image
Gigi70 in reply toCarlettejaque

thanks for your response. Yes these other conditions complicate matters for sure. I have IBD which makes diet tricky too but you may find cutting out the dairy and other animal fat improves the stomach, it did for me. Having lentils and beans etc creates more roughage which tends to improve iritable bowel syndrome.

Why do you say you’ve only 5 years left? Is that your consultants opinion?


Carlettejaque profile image
Carlettejaque in reply toGigi70

Hi, CSVD can lead to dementia. The lack of oxygen to the brain kills off cells. I have it severe. I've been told I may only have 5 years before dementia or even death. I'm high risk for stroke too. I am dairy intolerant. Haven't had dairy products for about 50 years. I am allergic to Dextrose and Malta dextrin. It's in a lot of food.

I had IBS on and off for about 30 years but for the last 15 years it's been bad. I can't tolerate unsoluable fibre. I stick to the FODMAP diet but without fruit. Fruit is too acidic for my stomach. If I ate beans lentils oats etc i would bd in big trouble. I can only eat frozen carrots, cooked of course, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber and basmati rice.

I can't eat fatty meat just chicken. Fish and shell fish makes me sick. Not sure why? So my diet is limited.

Gigi70 profile image
Gigi70 in reply toCarlettejaque

Plus you should be referred to a lipid clinic where they can check if you’ve inherited high cholesterol. I had to have all my close relatives checked too, the inherited variety high cholesterol commonly affects young people like you. It is fairly rare. Does anyone else have heart disease in your family besides your grandfather?

Sent twice as I made a boo-boo and sent to me!

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toGigi70

I think mine is purely from diet if I’m totally honest but we will find out the doctor is doing some more bloods and gonna go from there, she isn’t to worried right now but going to keep a eye on things.

Jellybeans49 profile image

Hi Shanxox,

I think you should maybe speak to your carer if you have one or you Dr to discuss seeing a dietician. I know it's hard when your autism stops you trying ir eating other foods my daughter is the same. Main thing to do is cut carbs out and sugar. To like 2 or 3 times a week not everyday to begin with. And excercise. Your Dr should be able to suggest a few things.

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toJellybeans49

Thank you, yeah it’s hard trying to change up your diet with autism and what iv been used to, I’m trying my hardest with what I know our foods I’ll tolerate and hoping the doctor will advice and maybe transfer to a dietician

Jafib profile image

First, are you on a statin drug? You may want to read the book “The Great Chokesterol Myth”. Also, if you are worried about heart health then I would also keep an eye on your blood sugars Like others have said, if you can avoid processed foods/ingredients, you will be way ahead of the game. Good luck and keep us posted.

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toJafib

I have heard of it, mostly negative feedback with regards to side effects or how it’s affected someone. I am quite sensitive to drugs anyway so must likely not a grand idea and specially at my age. But I’m trying to stay healthy and eat better :) I will do thank you.

Lowerfield_no_more profile image
Lowerfield_no_more in reply toShanxox

There are lots of scare stories about taking statins which are the primary medication for cholesterol management. Without doubt some people do get side effects from statins, but this is less than 10% of users. However, if a user gets side effects from taking one statin there are others to try and finally other meds if a user is statin intolerant. Most statin users like me have no side effects, and with that comes the likelihood of reducing heart health risk, as recognised globally by the medical profession who prescribe statins for millions of people who just get on with taking them without a second thought, aided by heart healthy lifestyle measures. So if you are recommended to take statins by your GP then the only way you will find how they affect you is to take them as directed on a trial basis, and only then will you find out if you will get side effects, to be balanced by the improvement to your cholesterol profile you will get from taking the statin. Which in my view is much preferable to making an assumption on how statins will adversely affect you, rather than looking for the potential for positives.

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toLowerfield_no_more

Very true. Sorry I’m just a worrier

Murderfan58 profile image

Don't worry cholesterol levels are different for different age groups. Did you have a fasting cholesterol test or one where you could eat first . As it makes the readings different.

I always have a fasting cholesterol test that way they give exactly results of the good and bad cholesterol.

I would ask for a fasting blood test to be run to put your mind at rest. All it means is don't eat the night before after 7pm only drink water after them. Next morning take any tablets you need with water. Don't have tea or coffee. Drink pint of water before the test . And they will have accurate results and ask what the good and bad cholesterol levels are.

But really unless it's over 6 nothing to worry about. But some people have naturally high cholesterol. We are all different.

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toMurderfan58

I didn’t have a fasting one done I think both times so maybe you are right could contribute to it, I shall ask the doctor and see what she says, I feel she’s not really listening to my concerns or worries about it and as a GP she should be.

Alala958 profile image

Try Kefir yoghurt and drinks, they're healthier and good for digestion and the gut x

Shabana1974 profile image

I have sent you a dm

kipper1958 profile image

Hi ,as other people have stated stop worrying,at your age l did not know what my cholesterol level was.l am older than you and my cholesterol level is 6.My doctors have told me that because my HDL is more than twice my LDL, then l have nothing to worry about.

Fazer800 profile image

There sounds like very little genuine need for concern there. Try not to worry.You're young and your cholesterol isn't far too high. Loads of time to find something that works for you.

I can only speak for my own experiences.

I used to drink a fair amount of alcohol and my diet was far from ideal too.

My Cholesterol has been around 7.3 for at least twenty years... Until recently.

Six months ago, I stopped drinking alcohol altogether. I have also been drinking one ALDI cholesterol reducing yogurt drink each day.

I have so far at least, continued to eat things that are bad for me.


My cholesterol has come down to around 5.0

at the last check. 2.3 lower than it was twenty years ago. I'm going to start eating better too.

I do a little bit of mountain biking, maybe twice a month.

Blood pressure down so much, the doctor has taken me off my medication altogether.

I no longer need omeprazole.

Nor do I need sertraline.

No more ramapril.

I'm a bit shocked at the changes and speed of them. Life is good.

Worrying will change nothing. It will drive you around the bend though.

Take life as it comes, one day at a time.

Live in the moment.

Do the things that make you feel good about yourself. Swap junk foods for healthy snacks.

Get a bit of exercise, (this alone will make you feel great)

And the BIG one...

If you use it, cut out alcohol.

Try the Aldi cholesterol drinks.

They worked well for me.

Much cheaper too!

All the best.

Shanxox profile image
Shanxox in reply toFazer800

Thank you so much, yeah I drink the Morrisons ones that are also much cheaper I know not a huge difference but makes my anxiety feel better that it’s doing something x

Oldsealady profile image

Try a large apple every day is what brought mine down, half fat cheese, I've changed from margarine to danpak from lidls low fat that's made a difference is expensive but you use more sparingly then ,aldi do a version too . I eat oven chips less often, I make my own chop up boil for ten mins drain spray with fry lite few herbs and cook in air fryer a good alternative, a good walk every day or swim, exercise works aswell in what ever form you can do, even housework keep yourself busy

Gigi70 profile image
Gigi70 in reply toOldsealady

How lucky are you if only this routine were the answer to all inherited cholesterol conditions and heart disease!

I on the other hand have had a very healthy lifestyle all my life no alcohol no smoking exercise fan - cycling yoga walking - not overweight - but angina in 50’s now 2 heart attacks - no other Heath conditions. How do you explain this?

If only it were lifestyle!


Marymara profile image

Apples and porridge will get it down, not that it's even high.

Fministry profile image

Try not to worry too much about your cholesterol. Follow your gp or nurse advice. If they suggest a statin at some point then go with that. I share your love of chocolate so understand how hard that is but you could still have it occasionally rather than completely deprive yourself of it which might be very difficult. I’m a lot older than you and my cholesterol was 6.4 earlier this year so I’m now on a statin. All the best. 👩

Goldfish7 profile image

dont worry, a lot of quite eecent research suggests cholesterol isnt a problem re heart health. Reviews of the medical records of people dying from heart attacks showed their cholesterol levels bore no correlation to the heart attack outcome, ie. Some had high, some had low and some had middling cholesterol levels. Cholesterol is apparently, used to smooth over areas of damage in blood vessels so is present in the 'scabs' that break off and damage or block blood vessels. It is not thought, by many doctors now to be the cause of the obstruction (lots of research on line if you check).

It is also important to remember that cholesterol is made in the body and not necassarily related to diet. Also it is important In its role in the brain and in nerve sheathing.

please dont wreck your health dieting.

Im not medically qualified so am no expert, so please look into current cholesterol research on line yourself.

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