As like many here I thought I was fit and healthy with normal blood pressure and cholesterol.... but both my brother and father had heart attacks in their 30's. I made it to 61 before I was taken down by a cream scone!! I couldn't decide if I had indigestion but had mild tingling in my jaw and my heart rate was fast. No chest pain or other symptoms. I am a retired nurse so after debating with myself if I was overreacting I drove myself to the local A&E where I was seen immediately. Nonspecific changes on EKG and a rise in cardiac enzymes of only 3 so not diagnostic of HA. I almost made it out the door when the Dr. decided to do a cardiac stress test. It was stopped at 6 minutes with positive EKG changes. An angio via the radial artery followed and showed 90% blockage of LAD and 80% of the left circumflex and two drug-eluting stents were inserted. I was awake during the procedure and did experience burning discomfort in my chest with the dilation and stent insertion.... it persisted until the next day when I was discharged and a similarly off and on for several weeks.
Discharged on Ramapril 2.5mg Bisoprolol 2.5mg Ticagrelor 90mg, Atorvastatin 80mg and Aspirin 75mg
Post op has been interesting! At 3 days post op saw my GP as my blood pressure was 88/50, heart rate in mid 40's... I felt OK but lower than my normal so Ramipril was decreased to 1.25mg.
In the first couple of weeks at home I found any time I increased my pace from a slow walk I developed a spasm sensation with burning pain and fullness in my chest and neck and pain between my shoulders. I also felt very bloated under my ribs. Quite restricting and worrying as I had no chest pain before the stents.
The Atorvastin and the Ramapril were stopped which helped some. A repeat stress test at 4 weeks post-op was negative. It was determined the pain was not cardiac and thought to be GI. I was started on Zantac 150mg.
The Zantac helped some but mild burning chest pain continued off and on, worse in the am's after the meds. I made a switch from soluble aspirin which I had been dissolving in water to enteric-coated and within 24 hours the burning had all but stopped. The Zantac was increased to 300mg 2x day to cover any irritation from the aspirin and the other meds and I finally got to start rehab. The spasm sensations subsided about 6 weeks out. I am now 8 weeks out and enjoying the rehab classes and walking 3+miles a day at a good clip. I do not feel back to "normal" yet and still, have the odd weird sensation or burning pain episode especially if I don't pace myself when starting out but consider myself lucky I dodged the "big one".
My husband has been undergoing a scheduled cardiac workup for stable angina with classic symptoms of significant chest and arm pain on exertion over several months. Ironically, his angio last Tuesday was clear, only some mild plaque on the right side. He was in disbelief, actually thought they had given him the wrong report.
It does show that the severity symptoms is not always a predictor of the degree of heart disease.
It is good to hear other stories on this site and know we are not alone on this journey...