My symptoms, fainting in morning with very low pulse rates, 40's and 50's over last 2 weeks. Waiting for ecg 7 day monitor. Should I go to a&e to speed up referral to cardiologists. Doctors suggest I should call ambulance when I faint. I did on Thursday but it was 2 hour wait. I felt fine after an hour so cancelled . Wasnt sure if I should go to hospital.
Bradycardia shoukd I go to a& e - British Heart Fou...
Bradycardia shoukd I go to a& e

I don't think it speeds up referral. I had urgent referral for cardiology from A and E mid January. Got appointment for end of May. Good luck.
Hi there just to tell u I went to a&e with low HR and palpitations waited 5 hrs and this wasn’t a sat night didn’t help me at all I felt 10 times worse When is your 24 hr ecg appointment xxx
You have actually passed out? What were your blood pressures?
How are you feeling now?
Hi. When I first wake in morning BP is very low, 93/58 pulse 40 first time. Passed out and was very sick. 101/75 pulse 62 next day, stayed in bed with raised feet till it improved. Then following day 62/45 pulse 56. Each day I'm checking and staying near bed until it improves before venturing downstairs. On Thursday last week I felt fine and sat in garden in morning but then blacked out, fell off the chair, bumped head and hurt my arm. Decided to call ambulance but 2 hour wait, I was fine after an hour so cancelled the ambulance. Rest of day I'm fine, although I don't feel like going far from home just in case. Sorry that I'm going on but am feeling anxious.
Are you drinking enough fluid?
Are you sitting on the edge of the bed for a bit before you stand?
Have you been in an area of the recent heat wave?
I'm sure you are anxious it's quite scary.
Sounds like things are a little better?
Sorry I just asked a million questions
Drinking lots of water. Sitting on edge of bed first thing, then chair before standing.. yes did have 2 hot days last week which may have made it worse. It's only a morning problem but I dont know if it will change, guess that's why I'm bit scared.
Take extra care. I wish I’d wrapped myself up in cotton wool after my first fainting episode. I blacked out at the top of the stairs; you can guess the rest. I imagine that the doctors have told you not to drive which would be understandable given your symptoms.
Personally I would be straight down A&E after coming around from a faint with that recent profile of events and BPs. They should triage you straight away with any heart issue and, if they make you sit around for a while after doing the triage enquiries I think you can assume it is not as alarming as you or I think!
Your blood pressure is probably not the issue. More likely the bradycardia. Don't get up too quickly in the mornings, make sure you have 1.5-2 litres of water a day, cut down on caffeine and have salt in your diet. As an aside if you have suffered a blackout you are not allowed to drive for 6 months, and it is your responsibility to inform the DVLA
Hi, I've been through a similar thing and went to my GP after going to hospital after my first fainting episode. After the second one, I went to my GP who referred me to cardiology. I had the 24hr monitor fitted but was told to go to A and E should I pass out as this would help a diagnosis but never did.
I would say that you need the cardiology appointment as soon as.
Thanks. Did your gp refer you before results of ecg monitor?
Hi, they did my ECG at the GP surgery and decided to refer me to Cardiology from there due to my low heart rate. My referral came pretty quickly and that's when the consultant wanted me to have the 24 hour monitor, ultrasound and tilt table test The monitor showed them enough so they cancelled the tilt table and the consultant then decided to fit me with a pacemaker which I've recently had done.
I would say that by the sound of it, you need a referral at least, just to be on the safe side.
Sounds like you have great gp. Hope I get referral soon. Will go back to gp tomorrow and see what they say. Think because my heart rate is often ok in afternoon the ecg didn't show anything. Am waiting for a monitoring one. Guess I will get referral after that.
I was lucky with the GP as she was a junior and very thorough otherwise, mine could have had a different outcome. My heart rate was low all of the time but the monitor showed that it dropped without warning and to dangerous level, usually when I was sat relaxing.
Good luck but insist on a referral is my advice to you.
You don't mention your meds as far as I can see. Maybe they could be amended whilst you are waiting for your appointment.
Sounds like you'll need a pacemaker!
Have you talked about getting a pacemaker for your condition? It would keep your heart from slowing down to the point of passing out. My mother’s pacemaker keeps her heart at above 60 beats a minute. It works.
Haven't got to talk to consultant yet. Gp has referred me for blood tests and monitored ecg. Sounds like a pacemaker could well be the solution. Can you remember how long it took fof your mother to get hers.
We live in the USA. From what I read of your post, you live across the pond? It didn’t take but one visit with the EP and she was scheduled soon after that. She is actually going to be due for a new device soon with a new battery. She had her pacemaker put in almost 10 yrs ago. The battery at that time was good for 10 yrs, depending on how much she uses it. Her pacemaker is not hooked up in such a way for her heart to be totally dependent on the pace maker. Her EP gave her this choice (called an AV node ablation) if she decides on a new device. But my mother just wanted to depend on her heart - not totally on the pacemaker. My mother is 93 yrs old now. I’m not sure what her decision will be about getting a new device soon. We haven’t crossed that bridge yet. She is monitored.