Hi all. Suffered a stemi with cardiac arrests April last year resulting in 3 stents, 12 weeks off work and now see the world very differently with a much better perspective on things in general.
In the main, work have been quite supportive. I now work 4 days a week and start later to avoid the rush hour traffic both ways. I’m a team leader in a busy call centre and recently, our team sizes have increased to well above what would be the norm for this type of centre.
Bit of an odd conversation with my manager yesterday who when I mentioned that our teams were too large and that mine was no smaller despite working 20% fewer hours was told that it was never agreed that I would have a smaller team! Now for me, I would say that it’s quite a reasonable assumption as I can’t do 5 days work in 4, especially as the hours reduction was to help me manage stress and avoid becoming fatigued.
Just wondering if any of you good people have experienced anything similar and how you handled it.
Thanks for reading.