Finally got my pre op day 6th June at Southampton General . I wonder how long I have to wait for op 😬
Pre Op day for Heart bypass - British Heart Fou...
Pre Op day for Heart bypass

Hope you’re not kept waiting long
I had a bypass operation in Southampton last October. I think from memory it was three days from pre-op to the operation itself, however other people on the same ward weren't so fast and one guy in particular got bumped a couple of times and was still waiting when I was discharged a week after the operation.
I appreciate you must be anxious (who wouldn't be) but I can assure you that the quality of care and expertise that you'll experience at Southampton is absolutely first class.
Hopefully it will be soon after...good luck 💛
Hi Froggie0208. For my AVR I was told they normally have to do the op within three months of doing the pre-op tests as otherwise they need to the pre-ops again, so there is an incentive to crack on at that point! Having said my wait was three-and-a-half months without redoing the tests so clearly that's not set in stone. Obviously too it'll depend on how "urgent" they feel you are. But hopefully you'll know soon!
Nic x
I do hope it's not long. The waiting is worse than the operation I think.
I'm so sorry Froggie, I'm mixing up the "pre-op", I went in to Southampton for an angiogram, they kept me in and three days later I had a bypass.
What I didn't get wrong however was the standard of care you can expect at Southampton, you'll be in the hands of some exceptionally competent people!
I had my pre op assessment for a valve repair and bypass at the Uni hospital in Sept and my op was in Feb next door to the Uni at Spire. From being admitted the actual medical pre op to op took less than 24 hours. To be honest after having the TOE and angiogram etc the op itself was a bit of an anticlimax (kind of got use to this hospital thing I guess !) and I had a great time in Hospital. I know that will sound maybe a bit strange but the staff at Spire were brilliant and I had a good laugh with all of them. My best best bit of advice would be leave your worries at reception and.....try to enjoy the experience ! Your in the best place possible, and everyone there will try to ensure the best possible journey through the system for you. It's now 16 weeks since I had my op and I feel great !
Thanks for this post Clive I have just started my journey as was referred for a bypass just last week. It was a bit of a shock and not good with hospital having a few sleepless nights.
Hi James,
To be truthfull thats how we all start I guess i.e. the shock and maybe a bit of denial, but you get through that, and what followed for me was well... interest ! I've learnt so much in the last year and a half, pronouncing some of these damn medical terms for a starters !! LOL !!! Just take it all on the chin, you'll be surprised at the things you can do ! I used to think I was a bit sqeamish now I just take it in my stride. What I'm trying to say is take a bit of interest and ask questions, you'll end leaving your worries at reception and find them replaced with genuine interest and curiosity, well thats how it worked out for me ! The other thing is everyone you talk to is part of 'your team' ! You'll find yourself repeating the same answers again and again to different people but thats just par for the course but you do start to find yourself giving concise factual answers without too much waffle............which I'm doing now !!! Waffle that is !! Enjoy the experience and you'll be fine !
All the best

From my pre-op (called "Fitness for Surgery") to my actual surgery was three months. I went in the afternoon before and they did BMI, BP, ECG, X-ray and bloods - basically last minute checks. Hopefully your op will follow sooner as your life goes on hold.