What would the blood tests - full blood count and BNP reveal about the condition of the heart? I.e can they show heart failure,blockages, strain? I saw a cardiologist in march who said my heart function was fine but I feel differently. I have these old blood test forms and was going to get them done and check results via gp practise. Thank u
Blood tests : What would the blood... - British Heart Fou...
Blood tests

I don't know the actual figures but your Bnp level can indicate heart failure, this is usually followed up with an echo scan or MRI for confirmation. Don't know bout the full blood counts, looking for that info myself! My husband recently had blood tests & his full white cell count, lymphocyte & red cells were all down. On his follow up tests the white cells & lymphocyte have gone back into normal range but the red cells have gone down further.
It’s often the trend that’s important, rather than one off results. Do they know why your husbands red cells are falling, there can be many causes.

Thanks for replying. Blood tests were originally done due to going on furosmide which can affect the potassium. On the first test potassium was above normal range, (normally furosmide lowers your potassium) White cells, red cells etc were all below range but Haemoglobin & haematocrit both normal range. 2nd test results. 2 weeks later show white cells, potassium, etc now within normal range but haemoglobin level & haematocrit now below range & red cell count gone down further. Just surprised GP not re-testing for 3 months, though results are not very much below range. Seeing cardiologist next month so will ask his opinion.
Potassium is part of U&E’s blood test. If the bloods take a while to get to the lab it can affect the potassium results as the sample can haemolyse giving you a falsely high reading.
Does your husband have symptoms ( tired, lethargic ) etc? They can also do a ferritin blood test to check what his iron stores are like. Mine were low at one point but a course of ferrous fumerate made a big difference.

Strangely enough, I found out yesterday transportation can affect the potassium level. Bloods have always been taken at surgery & sent off for analysis. Cardiologist/GP/heart nurse have always been concerned about potassium levels but no one has considered that maybe it could be false readings, something else to speak to cardiologist about as he was taken off spironolactone due to potassium level!! Symptons... he looks very tired & certainly doesn't have the energy levels he used to have but he has heart failure so may just be a natural progression, or the bisoprolol could be slowing him down. The counts are not very much below normal range, any idea what your levels were before & after ferrous fumerate?
My Hb was 86 and ferritin was 7, my B12 was really low too. Mine was caused by inflammation secondary to my auto immune disease. I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy to rule out bleeding from the stomach and bowel as a cause.
I would definitely raise with cardiologist. I think there are some new drug combinations being researched just now to use with spironolactone to prevent it increasing the potassium and blood sugar levels.
Vit C helps the absorption of iron so good idea to have glass of fruit juice with meals and avoid drinking cup of tea with food as it interferes with iron absorption.

Thank you for your advice. Had no idea bout drinking tea affecting absorption, is it the same for coffee?

Lezzers is right about the BNP test.
FBC is more complex as it measures a whole range. I am awaiting my latest results (get next Tuesday) but post-bypass it showed I was anemic. It can also show if a person is Vitamin B12 deficient, has an underlying infection, etc. Overall a guide to general health.
Hi MichaeljH, Do you remember what your red cells level was when you had anemia? My husbands test showed his level as below normal, the reading doesn't seem particularly low but it has gone down further from his previous below normal reading 2 weeks ago, GP is not retesting for 3 months!! I know anemia is quite common with HF, so 3 months seems a long time. Unfortunately, his heart clinic check up was cancelled at last moment & not rebooked until end of June & don't want to bother GP uneccessarily. Thanks
My BNP is high but Cardio isn't worried, it can be raised in other conditions so not exclusively heart related.
Hi Mollypet,
A FBC ( full blood count ) isn’t specific for the heart.
Raised BNP can be associated with heart failure.
The important thing about any blood test is the interpretation, they are meaningless by themselves and need to be considered with your symptoms etc. I would advise that you speak to your GP or similar about your concerns and see if you need any investigations rather than using an old blood test form.

Thank u. That would be my first choice too. However, it's usually a 2-3 week wait to see gp then another two week wait after that for a blood test. Hence my thought of using old blood test form. Thank u for ur advice.