I'm new here HA +2 stents: Hi I'm 5... - British Heart Fou...

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I'm new here HA +2 stents

Kesnm profile image
14 Replies

Hi I'm 52 and yes 4th of February I had HA and 2 stents . Followed by 10 weeks of worry caused by diagnosis RCA 95% disease . I've been told this is irreversible, except by Dr Esselstyn and a few others claiming heart disease can be reversed with plant based diet. Could anyone with experience of this diet please share experience with me thanks in advance

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Kesnm profile image
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14 Replies
Dhomewood profile image

I read all the research from Esselstyn and have been on a plant based diet since my stent 18 months ago. I can’t say whether it’s reversed anything but my cholesterol is down to under 4 with LDL under 2 (have reduced my statins as a result). I’ve never had to use my gtn spray and I feel generally better.

I believe it’s working for me.

All the best


Scout2017 profile image

Hi there know just how you feel, my HA was 6 days after you. Whilst I wouldn’t expect a magical reversal making lifestyle changes including diet will help significantly and not least with your state of mind as you’ll feel you’re doing something! My mood is directly related to whether I’ve been able to eat properly (more tricky travelling) and get a decent daily workout.

jimmyq profile image
jimmyq in reply to Scout2017

Daily workout: You could give Shibashi a try. You don't have to go out, it's very gentle and easy to learn. It takes about 20 minutes. Just follow the video: youtube.com/watch?reload=9&... I play it on YouTube via Google on my PC and "cast" it to the TV in the lounge to follow it. "Trust Me I'm A Doctor" found that it gave a good workout without strain or pain. My tutor says it can be done every day.

jimmyq profile image

The ideal BP is 120/80. Mine has been as high as 240/140 but went down to 190/100 with treatment in 2016. I still had a mini-stroke in 2017 though. I started a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) lifestyle in March 2018. My BP is now 120/80.

The ideal cholesterol is below 5. Mine was 6.5 for years, nothing budged it until this diet. It is now 3.7.

My weight was 14.5st and is now 12.5st, the same as when I was in my twenties.

I believe that this means that my arteries must be clearing out.

I recommend that you watch the film "Forks Over Knives". It will show you that you can clear out your arteries. It is on a website of the same name, Netflix, YouTube. It is about medical dietary research, including a massive study of 800,000 Chinese people. You might find it helpful, I did.

Kesnm profile image

Thank you for replying best of luck to all

ChicagoGirl1961 profile image

I've been eating a whole food vegetarian and presently a vegan diet for over 15 years. For me personally I believe it has at least stopped the progression and I think quite possible caused regression to some degree. I had a heart catheterization 15 years ago after having an abnormal nuclear stress test result, heart catheterization revealed 35% blockage in LAD. I was fortunate to be diagnosed in the early stage of the disease. Immediately after heart catheterization I adopted the whole food plant based diet advocated be Dean Ornish. I have had two subsequent nuclear stress tests since then that came back with outstanding results. I'm not naive enough to believe I no longer have heart disease, but based on the way I feel and the test results I have little doubt I have improved my heart health over the years. It is a very difficult diet to adhere to, but I have done so for 15 years without exception, and to me it has been well worth the sacrifice. This diet is not for everyone, and there is no guarantee of success, but if you are all in without exception II believe it to be a viable option worthy of consideration to improve ones heart health. Be well.

fergusthegreat profile image
fergusthegreat in reply to ChicagoGirl1961

I'm surprised that you're initial nuclear stress test picked up a 35% narrowing as I thought that they could only detect ischmaetic problems under stress which doesn't normally happen till at least 50% stenosis I believe.

ChicagoGirl1961 profile image
ChicagoGirl1961 in reply to fergusthegreat

Nuclear sress test came back abnormal, heart catheterization identified blockage

fergusthegreat profile image
fergusthegreat in reply to ChicagoGirl1961

Hi again, sorry for the questions about your stress test but it's just that I'm thinking about asking for one just to get an idea of how my disease might be progressing.

I know the scan can reveal quite a lot of information but in regards to coronary artery stenosis I thought it looked at differences between profusion at rest and under stress and as such the result was either normal or abnormal.

Just interested to know what outstanding results you got if you don't mind sharing, cheers Mark

ChicagoGirl1961 profile image
ChicagoGirl1961 in reply to fergusthegreat

Will reply tonight when I have more time Ferguson.

fergusthegreat profile image
fergusthegreat in reply to ChicagoGirl1961

Thanks for taking the time to reply to me. I'm only interested to know because I was found to have atherosclerosis 3 years ago. Mine was worse than yours and I needed a stent as well as having a 30% blockage in another artery and I was thinking about getting a nuclear stress test as a non invasive way of tracking my disease progression.

I spoke to my cardiologist and he said that if the test was abnormal then they do an angiogram, hence my original question.

I know it was the angiogram that identified your blockage, but an abnormal stress test is indicative of ischaemia and this result would suggest that the 35% blockage you had was restricting blood flow.

I originally thought that the stress test could only detect stenosis down to 50% because I thought this was the minimum to restrict blood flow but I guess in your case the restriction was only 35%

Anyway its great news it improved and I assume your subsequent 2 tests were normal.

Once again, thank you for your help, Mark

Fergus210 profile image
Fergus210 in reply to ChicagoGirl1961

Sorry to bother you again but did you reply to my question as I can't seem to post anything with my old username and had to start a new one and thus would not be able to get any personal messages

Khonkaen profile image

I had my HA 6 months ago 2 stents (one double). I looked at Esselstyns videos and headed in that direction for my new diet. I haven't stuck to it rigidly, but have also tried to manage my stress, IMO the main reason for my HA.

Also lack of exercsie, so I started walking 2-4km a day and have become generally more active in my day to day life. I get tired quite quickly, so rest for a while and then back to what I was doing,

I try to work things out in my life and remain positive, though don't always manage it, you get good days and bad days, scarey heart pains, but it gets better. I was told the first year is the worst and hang on to that during the bad days.

All the tests I have had have gone quite well, though my cholesterol levels are too low, folic acid too and they caused me to stray for Esselstyn's diet. Also I dropped from 86kg to 68kg and have been 68/69 for a while now. Lost much of the fat from my upper body, so don't look wonderful, but my arthritis has improved carry less weight around. 10 bags of sugar.

I am 67 and want another 20 years of reasonable health, happy days, that's the aim.

fergusthegreat profile image

How come they didn't stent your 95% blockage in the Rca?

Not what you're looking for?

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