Hi not sure what to put have been having heart trouble for the last six years.I decided to join British heart foundation then came across this web page. I would just like to say hi and will ask the questions that are on my mind when a little more confident.it has helped reading other people's post I don't feel like the only person with lots of questions.thank
I'm new here.: Hi not sure what to put... - British Heart Fou...
I'm new here.

Hello Paddie. Don’t be shy, ask away. There is no such thing as an idiot question here, so if you have a question, please, ask it even if you think it trivial. My first question here was about drinking espresso coffee! (It’s ok in moderation just in case you need to know)
Hi Paddie... welcome and please feel free to ask away.... we all do. And we do get some great replies that are so helpful.

Do message when you’re ready. Questions certainly! But I also like to read about other people’s experiences, how they’ve managed things, and got through some v tough times. There are some amazing ideas in these messages!

Hello and welcome, Paddie. We love questions around here, as you can probably see. Ask away whenever you are ready. Good luck
Hi.six years ago I collapsed was told at the time I had had a heart attack,it turned out I have a very slow heart rate and an irregular heart beat after trying several different medications I was fitted with a twin lead pacemaker.All th time I suffer wit AF and anginer.I went on to have a AV node ablation.Again still suffer with angina but have got rid of the AF.have now had 2 rubidium scans on the first one showed a small section of my heart was not getting any blood supply ,just had second scan and it seems to have got worse.the letter I recived said I have ischaemia still non the wiser on what this means to my health.anginer now getting worse feel so exhausted.Cant walk up hills even small ones,and stairs are a struggle.sorry for the long note but once started could not stop.