i had a recent blood test which showed inflammation i know it is a pointer for something wrong within the body but can it also be a indicator for heart trouble?
CRP levels : i had a recent blood test... - British Heart Fou...
CRP levels

CRP is an indicator of inflammation or infection so something like pericarditis could put it up but it is not specific so the inflammation/infection could be anywhere in the body.
You would need to know where the inflammation is and what has caused it to do anything about it. You should discuss it with your doctor, they might have that information.
Yes it can be an indicator for heart problems. The way to reduce it is pretty much the same as it would be to reduce heart disease. In other words, maintain a healthy weight, get plenty of exercise and adopt a healthy (possibly Mediterranean) diet. Current thinking is that sugar is a key cause of inflammation in the body, so be very careful with how much you consume. Be sure to look after your gut health. Consider having a daily probiotic and do some research into the connection betweeen a healthy gut and inflammation levels. All the best!
I take 1000mg SR Vitamin C daily to try and prevent blood vessel irritation often a precursor to plaque deposits as the body tries to protect itself but is actually causing damage. The process has been known about for centuries - think old time sailors "limeys" who were given lime juice to prevent scurvy.
Watch out for sepsis, especially if you have recently had a fall or even a small gash on your skin. lt nearly killed me and it mimics other things. Sorry to worry you but l thought it was a tummy bug and just got to hospital close to death, by that time sepsis and its mate endocarditis had destroyed my heart valves. l don't want it to happen to anyone else. Take care.
One of my best friends died from it a few years ago. After collapsing he was taken to hospital and made comfortable over the weekend. They started doing proper tests on the Monday morning nut he passed away in the afternoon. He was definitely let down by the NHS!
Bizarrely another (younger) friend developed it a few months later. He presented himself at A&E after being fobbed off by his GP. He did nor return to work for over three months. Medics are more aware now but still have a way to go!
Thanks Michael for your reply, most people including me had never heard anything about Sepsis two years ago now it is a lot more high profile. So sorry to hear you lost a best friend, after spending three months in hospital l know there are skeleton staff on duty over weekends. l broke my shoulder after slipping on my wet kitchen floor in the September but didn't develop Sepsis symptoms until the December after a course of hydrotherapy in the hospital pool, it may have been connected but no one seems to know the cause. l still blame myself for not going to hospital sooner, there was nothing wrong with my heart before this but hindsight is a wonderful thing. One of the best things to do with a cut l learned from a Doctor in the lab at hospital, to avoid infection is to wash it with antibac soap then apply TCP frequently, it is so powerful but under used because of the smell. Take care, Sue.
The cause of death of my friend's death certificate gave the primary cause of death as a heart attack. I suspect the infection may have gone to his heart but that the primary cause was failure to diagnose sepsis in a timely manner.
I am not sure why weekend staffing has become so bad. Eleven years ago I suffered a fractured femur on a Friday evening. I went into theater at 9:00 on the Saturday, and had a cup of tea and sandwich a few hours later as I had an epidural and not a general.
very interesting responses so it was also correct that it could indicate heart problems. i had problems before exmas then when in hospital a few weeks ago the crp showed up.
also years ago i was told by a consultant to take VIT c wasn't too sure what it would do and before xmas i mentioned about a probiotic to which there were mixed responses from the doctors visiting me.
many thanks for all of the replies.
sorry should of added so sorry for your losses i lost one of my cousins but it was from meningitis very nice kind person and was taken early.
years ago while on antibiotics there was never any mention of sepsis so it is good to make people aware, even i was not aware until i saw stuff on television.