Really heavy period, post heart attac... - British Heart Fou...

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Really heavy period, post heart attack 6 weeks ago, help.

Crochetwoman profile image
32 Replies

Please can anyone suggest anything I can do/take to help me through a really heavy period as I am on aspirin and clopidrogrel?

I am a 53 year old woman and really looking forward to the menopause. Have had heavy periods since my third child in 1998. But since starting on antiplatelets last Christmas ( after right coronary heart attack with stent fitted) and this is my first period since then and it is unbelievably heavy. No clots. Toilet visit every 40 mins.

Was on transexamic acid until high blood pressure 18 months ago.

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Crochetwoman profile image
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32 Replies
Calliope153 profile image

Ring 111.

Crochetwoman profile image
Crochetwoman in reply to Calliope153

Hi, thanks for your reply.

Will leave a phone message with my cardiac nurse today. Asked her a few weeks ago what would my period would like but she was frank and said she didn’t know the effects and would find out.

I am hoping someone in the forum has had a similar problem with blood tablets?

Calliope153 profile image
Calliope153 in reply to Crochetwoman

sorry that first comment was rather abrupt - was heading out through door and husband yelling about getting a move on!

Crochetwoman profile image
Crochetwoman in reply to Calliope153

Absolutely no problem. Hope you made it out in time.🕖

Dickydon profile image
Dickydon in reply to Calliope153

Husband yelling hurry up, I’m sorry but that’s so funny. Thanks!

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Hi Crotchetwoman,

I suggest you go and see your GP and ask about possible treatments.

Taking antiplalets is well known to make your periods heavier. It is really something that cardiac nurses and Cardiologists should be aware of too.

One possible treatment is a mirena coil which releases a small amount of the hormone progesterone.

This type of coil is recommended by NICE as a treatment for heavy periods..

I take Clopidogrel and and have had no periods since I had a mirena coil inserted for heavy periods. No more runs to the loo.

You perhaps should ask your GP to check your iron levels too ?

I hope it all settles soon.

Crochetwoman profile image
Crochetwoman in reply to Milkfairy

Hi Milkfairy, thanks for your reply.

The Miranda coil sounds like a plan. Will check it out. 🤝

Moonflower76 profile image
Moonflower76 in reply to Milkfairy

I have heavy periods too and lost so much blood I had to have blood transfusion . I did not want the tranexemic acid because of risks of blood clots ect. It was suggested I have a coil but I am worried that the hormones released in them can cause blood clots too. I think I am in peri menopause.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to Moonflower76

Hi Moonflower,

That sounds quite an experience. I acknowledge your anxiety about the possible treatment.

The mirena coil releases a very small amount of a progesterone like hormone. Much smaller amounts than in the hormone replacement treatment some women take in the menopause.

Progesterone does not usually cause clots like oestrogen.

However you do need to speak to your GP or an appropriately qualified healthcare professional, Gynaecologist or Family Planning Nurse Specialist. They will be able to help you come to an informed decision about what is best for you.

In others and my experience your male Cardiologist may want to run away and hide when you make reference to your womb!

Moonflower76 profile image
Moonflower76 in reply to Milkfairy

Thanks for the info , it is interesting that you have managed to have the coil without any problems , I will discuss it with G.P/gynocologist.

Gundoglady profile image

I take warfarin ( have been on it nearly 7 years) have done since having my heart valve op.

I have a mirena coil, like you I had suffered heavy periods since my 20's and put up with them for so long, and then eventually decided I'd had enough X

I'm now on my 3rd coil, and am 52 so hoping this will be my last one 😉

Other than that I can't really advise, good luck it's miserable having to keep close to a toilet x

Crochetwoman profile image
Crochetwoman in reply to Gundoglady

Thanks for your reply. Yep, just as I was reaching my activity goal again, I’m grounded to home. I also know that going on the cross trainer ( at home) will make it even heavier!

I just got over that lurgy cold/cough going around that hits you twice. Week two of post recovery as well. Felt like I was going to cough the stent out. 😆

Mary_Janet profile image

I would agree with the above. By the time you are in your fifties you really hope that your periods might be stopping , nobody wishes for the joys of the menopause but there are benefits....I do think you should seek advice as your current situation is not great . Obviously you need to carry on with the medication but not the heavy periods. I agree that your iron levels might be low so try to iron rich foods such as red meat, dark chocolate, green leaves vegetable and apricots. I think it would be worth speaking to a sympathetic GP and looking at either a family planning appointment or seeing a gynaecologist for advice and help.

I write as a 57 yr old woman , on warfarin who only started the menopause properly last year and still gets the odd but thankfully light period.

Please get help and don't let anyone tell you should just put up with this situation.

Best wishes


Crochetwoman profile image

Hi, thank you for replying.

Last year I really wanted a hysterectomy and got a gynaecologist appointment. Due to other events and a hospital infection I now have a large mesh around my umbilical. I decided I didn’t want any more surgery in that area and cancelled appointment.

My periods were getting sporadic and a bit lighter.

Hopefully all will settle down again.

Fortepiano profile image

Endometrial ablation is another alternative if the coil doesn't suit. It's non-surgical.

Crochetwoman profile image
Crochetwoman in reply to Fortepiano

Hi, thank you for your suggestion.

I always thought it was for fibroids but have since read up on it and sounds like a solution. Have heard from Friends that the coil tends to flush out in a month.

Anyway, back to the doctor I think. No instant relief since naproxen etc a Nono.

Fortepiano profile image
Fortepiano in reply to Crochetwoman

Hope you find something that works.

Nicky3 profile image


I had the same problem as you had with heavy periods before heart attack but then with with medication wow! The clopidogrel and aspirin made it worse as you needed to stay basically at home. When I said to my Cardiologist he glossed over it he looks embarrassed anytime I mention women’s bits. It’s actually funny he asked me in a round about way if I was still having periods recently 🤭

This has caused me to be anaemic in the past so make sure to have your blood tests with your GP regularly. I am now waiting for a OP for a polyp in the womb that they have now found. They can cause heavy periods but was never investigated by GP until I had terrible abdominal pains last year. Joy, another thing to add to my very long list of shitty things when trying to get travel insurance.

Check with GP but try not to worry maybe ask about the coil. I will post if the surgery helps as also read about ablation helping. Good luck

Crochetwoman profile image
Crochetwoman in reply to Nicky3

Hi, thank you for sharing.

Sometimes it’s just a comfort to know that other people have the same problems. I hope your op goes well and all is sorted.

I don’t know why some Consultants and medics get uncomfortable with older woman and their periods. So little discussion out there I am so pleased for getting a lot of replies. Thank you.

Qualipop profile image

Ring your GP ASAP

Crochetwoman profile image
Crochetwoman in reply to Qualipop

Hi, thank you for your concern and advice.

I have spoken to my Cardiac nurses and as expected there is no quick cure. Clopidogrel rules over all else. Took two strong co codomol last night and managed to get 5hrs of undisturbed sleep. The bleeding is not so worryingly severe today so either the codeine is helping and or it is just naturally abating.

Gps next week.

Qualipop profile image

Thankfully not something I've had to worry about as I had to have a hysterectomy at 40 (Something to be avoided at all costs) but it is something you need to watch and make sure you don't get anaemic. Is there a female GP you can talk to? They may understand a bit better just how debilitating and restrictive it can be. Please don't opt for a hysterectomy; the problems afterwards can be horrific. I have severe adhesions, a partial bowel blockage; unbearable back pain- all very common but things no one ever mentions plus of course what a lack of oestrogen does to your body. Oestrogen protects your heart too so hang onto it as long as you can.

Crochetwoman profile image

Hi, just an update to help anyone else found in similar despair.

My period stopped after a week then four days later it came on really heavy again. It hasn’t stopped since.

I visited the doctor ( running 40 mins late - they are all so busy) so time was spent regarding my Pericarditis.

Week later, another visit,we discussed options. Referral to Gynaecologist, internal, then was offered Norethisterone tablets. To be taken at start of period for 7 days.

My referral took 2 working days to come through and was seen today, the 3rd day!! How efficient and wonderful!

Choices given;

Mirena coil ( contains hormones) , no thanks

Womb ablation, okay, sore but probably permanent answer.

No hysterectomy option due to my Mesh implant.

So, had a womb biopsy today and if all good will be ablated within 3 weeks, without general anaesthetic - due to heart issues...

But lucky me, I get a local into my cervix.

Will update.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

That must be such a relief.

I am glad you were able to choose an option that best suits you.

Crochetwoman profile image

Hi, again just a catch up.

Had my Novasure (permanent womb ablation) within 3 weeks of referral.

I didn’t have much discomfort during the ten minute procedure. Bit cramping couple of hours after. The consultant told me my Clopidogrel was really doing its job!

After 4 weeks of non offensive discharge and a visit to gp to get antibiotics, all settled down. Nearly three months on I have no more menstrual bleeding. Zilch. Hallelujah!

Blood count good, Ferritin getting there.

Anyone reading this remember this is not a D&C, it should totally destroy your womb lining. An internal hysterectomy. I’m 54yrs and wanted no more children anyway.

Crochetwoman profile image

Oh, the Norethisterone pills increased my blood pressure significantly so would have had to stop them if hadn’t had my surgery.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Hi Crotchetwoman

Thanks for the update. The information will help so many others in the same situation in the future.

Brilliant news that everything was sorted out and fairly quickly too. It is also good to hear of other options available to us women on clopidogrel.....

Crochetwoman profile image
Crochetwoman in reply to Milkfairy

Thanks. I hope it does because I can still remember how desperate for information and scared I was 6 months ago just a few weeks post stemi.

I have noticed you respond to many questions and are very supportive. 🤝

Judyjay profile image

I'm also same but I had lot of clots GP gave me tablets but said could cause another heart attack so to scared to take them he's referring me to gynaecologist

Crochetwoman profile image
Crochetwoman in reply to Judyjay

I’m sorry that you have the same problem I had. Having a heart attack is a shock but to start recovering and then the Clopidogrel and Aspirin kick in on your periods is very frightening. Hopefully the above posts help and give you some ideas as to what it available and the options I chose/ side effects.

Luckily I was “processed “ within weeks. I don’t know how Covid will affect it now.

All I suggest is phoning the consultants medical secretary when you get a letter and explain that you can take any appointment and also your circumstance. I found this really worked. Phone even if you have been given a date in the distant future! Luckily mine was for a week later.

Please let me know how you get on.

I’ve never had a period since the ablation , wish I had had it a decade ago. I don’t know your age but please remember it was an irreversible operation. Also, if you have fibroids ,I think it’ll have to be another solution. Not sure.

Crochetwoman profile image

Another wee update 2022. 3 years on and still no menstrual bleeding. 😊 I still get grumpy and a small weight gain once a month so I’m guessing I’m not been through the menopause yet!

sickandsore profile image

That’s good to know that you have the bleeding now sorted. I’m definitely going to ask about ablation. I’m nearly 50 and have quite a history of gynae issues, endometriosis, treatment for early cervical cancer in my 20s and recurrent miscarriages. I tried the coil and it really didn’t suit me. But now my already heavy periods are even worse on the clopidogrel and aspirin. Even sitting in the bath doesn’t stem the blood loss and clots 😩. I’m bit cheesed off as emailed my cardiologist and literally 2 days on no response. Unable to get a GP appointment this week but will persevere and insist on an urgent referral to gynaecologist now. Thank you for your advice x

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