Today is the two year anniversary of my Pericardioectomy (5 hour open heart surgery procedure involving the removal of my pericardium to resolve my chronic Pericarditis). As a result of the op I’ve got my life back. And all credit goes to the surgeon and staff of Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, my own cardiologist and his team at Arrowe Park Hospital here on the Wirral, and also the cardiac rehab team at St Catherine’s Hospital Birkenhead. My strength and vitality are fully restored and I walk at a fast pace for exercise 3-4 miles daily.
However from a wider standpoint I am concerned that Pericarditis, and especially the chronic (long term version) gets very little research funding probably because of lack of attention in the media even though quite a high proportion of patients that visit A&E with chest pain are diagnosed as having Pericarditis. It’s also little known that famous people such as Mozart and Bob Dylan suffered from the condition.