Last night I suddenly got a pain at the top of my stomach that radiated across the stomach and into my chest. It was agony. I began to vomit bile and then it died down but has left me exhausted. Does this sound more like a stomach problem?
Heart attack or stomach upset? - British Heart Fou...
Heart attack or stomach upset?

Having suffered a heart attack recently, having ignored symptoms for more than 24 hours that I thought were digestive, I understand your concern.
There are people who know the difference between indigestion and a heart attack: they are called doctors and nurses- go find one and get them to decide!
I put it off until my wife, who had been away for a couple of days, bullied me into going to the local casualty department late in the evening. A blue light chase across county followed by emergency angioplasty (2), four stents... and I got away with it.... JUST.
From what I hear, it sounds like GERD.
The symptoms include, but are not limited to: chest pain, feeling of lump in throat, bad breath, belching, nausea/vomiting and a dry cough. I suffer from GERD, and the chest pain is real and intense. It goes under my left arm sometimes, making me worried it’s a heart attack. The vomiting bile is what really convinced me this was GERD. As for your exhaustion, throwing up is extremely tiring to do, since your body tenses really hard. There’s also a good chance you lost a lot of fluid, so be sure to replenish that.
However, I would have your doctor check out your heart just in case, and if they give you the all clear, you can feel confident that your intense chest pain is unrelated to your heart.
If you can, take Tums during your next episode. They’re nasty, but they work quite well for acid reflux.
You didn’t say how old you were, but I’m sorry, I need to say this. If there are any new/worse symptoms: dizziness, shortness of breath, left arm pain, or cold sweat; please seek immediate medical care.
I hope I helped provide some insight!
Weird question but are you male or female? Us women dont have the typical heart attack symptoms. I think you might consider seeing a doc and at least getting an ekg. Heart attacks and stomach issues are hard to seperate out. Also dont forget your friendly gallbladder could be throwing a fit. That happened to me last fall and I ended up in surgery, pain was intense.

Too true, Hoski. I had a "stomach bug" for 3 weeks before I went to my GP. She sent me for a blood test, and 8 hours later I was in A&E feeling very confused as I'd been diagnosed with a serious heart attack. I then spent most of the next month in hospital!
How frightening! How are you doing now?

I’m doing ok. I felt a bit nauseous and tired yesterday but today I just have a bit of nausea and am going about my housework as usual. Thank for asking.

On the up, thanks. I left hospital (in July 2018) with one stent and a shiny new ICD (which hasn't had to do anything yet). I was threatened with Mitral valve replacement as the HA had caused "moderate to severe" regurgitation and an EF of 38. Fortunately, the surgeon decided to see what "aggressive medical management" (ie a sackful of drugs) would do. I had my first repeat Echo on Monday which shows regurgitation is now "moderate" with EF 40-45. Phew!
I really don't think you should be using this forum to try and diagnose what could be a very serious problem. Please make it a priority to either see your GP today or call 111 to discuss your symptoms.
Go to the doctor - don’t make excuses to put it off. Lots of us here did that and risked much worse. Most probably you’ll be fine - but then there’s nothing to lose by finding out.
I left it a day or two , in fact probably a couple of weeks after first feeling I'll once I went to doc went straight to hospital, and now have an icd, and to be told the left side of my heart is closed, and can hardly do anything due to this and other issues ,don't leave it go get it seen to just for your own peace of mind