So finally it looks like it's actually happening. I'm on my way to Waterloo and St Thomas's for my AVR tomorrow. The word nervous doesn't do justice to how I'm feeling, but it'll be good to get it done and come out the other side. Obviously not sure what state I'll be in come Thursday/Friday onwards. But I'll do my best to keep you all posted. Wish me luck! Nic
On my way for AVR: So finally it looks... - British Heart Fou...
On my way for AVR

Good luck. St. Thomas’s is a brilliant hospital do you will be well looked after. Ann
Hi - I’ve been thinking of you while in my cardio rehab class this morning wondering how you feel!!! I’m only 8 weeks ahead of you and now it all seems like a dream sometimes I have to check my scar to prove it was real. I know Pete who was 4 weeks ahead of me is sunning himself in Tenerife. Soon you’ll be giving others help and encouragement. You’re going to a fantastic hospital where you will be amazed by how dedicated the nurses are especially in overnight recovery and then HDU. Just focus on trusting your surgeon and his team. It’s so true - the waiting is the worst bit - and just think how spoilt you’ll be by your family at Christmas!!!
Good luck!
Alison xxx
(I’ll message you)
Thank you Alison. Don't know how much that means to hear such positive words! Really appreciated. Glad it's all going well for you too. X
I know exactly how you are feeling, believe me. I was so nervous that when we got to the hospital I found I’d left by entire hospital bag at home In Sussex!! Check if you’ve got yours!!!
I’ll try to think of last minute tips and will message you. Are you off to Doulton ward?
Hi Nic
Well you followed me through my journey and I’m hoping to follow yours .everything will be just fine just keep positive and talk to us all as much as you like either on an open forum like this or you can private message me on the chat button anytime you wish and I will answer any questions you may have from my own recent experience . I’m 12 weeks post AVR at St Thomas’s like you and I’m now in Tenerife for a few days getting some sun and sangria as a treat to myself. This is what you’ve got to luck forward too NIc ......... a normal life once it’s sorted and you get yourself well.
Good luck for tomorrow I’ll be thinking about you over the coming days as soon as your fit enough maybe Tuesday next week let us all know your Ok
Sending you lots of love and a big hug
Pete x

I was not that nervous about my bypass as I had struggled with angina and breathlessness for a while. One you start going through the admission process the professionalism will have a calming effect.
If you can enjoy a decent coffee and a slice of cake before you go through the door!
Good luck Nic, you’ll be back on the ward and then home in no time. Will be thinking of you.
Wendy xx
Thank you all!
Hi Nic
I was just behind Pete and am doing fabulous after double valve replacement , am back in Qatar sunny myself with my gorgeous family for 10 days before I fly back to UK tomorrow. You will be absolutely fine, these doctors are brilliant and they know exactly what they are doing! Keep your mind strong, stay positive, have a sense of humour - you will need it at times and in a few weeks you won't believe what you an you amazing body have been through! Much love Laura xxx
HI nic trust me the days before are the absolute worst...once you get to hospital you will get an inner strength to do this...I'm 14 days post op and getting stronger every day take it a day at a time and ask me anything. Denise
Thinking of you! Seven months down the line, I agree with Alison - it does indeed seem like a dream. You will soon be on the other side and making progress.
Good Luck!!