AVR is looming: Hi everyone, well I... - British Heart Fou...

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AVR is looming

DenHump profile image
20 Replies

Hi everyone, well I have my date....Wednesday 28th November my head has been in an absolute spin since Monday when I was told I needed to be done urgently, I had sort of got my head around having it done next Feb/Mar....but when I was told it will be a matter of weeks it completely threw me. I am now making lists keeping as busy as I can taking any tips you can give me, I have been reading all of your posts thank you so much, I thought I was doing Ok but just driving home from work tonight I went into a complete panic it was horrible, took lots of deep breaths to calm myself down....then bought some chocolate which also helped :) How on earth I will be on 27th I really don't know....the next three weeks are going to be tough...but not as tough as the ones after the 28th Im sure. Any hints or tips you can give to get through these next 3 weeks would be gratefully received.....all I want to do is hit the wine but that would make me feel worse (brings on palpitations!) so I have resisted going down that route just yet!

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DenHump profile image
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20 Replies
Serg12 profile image

Having been through it I can honestly say that it is not as bad as you ever fear.

The worst bit is the recovery from getting cut open, that is controlled with paracetamol. The valve aspect of it is simple: you will feel better.

Yes it takes time and is daunting. Loads of us have gone through it and are better for if. You should get plenty of advice from various people.

Despite your initial fears, you won't regret it. Try and stay calm.

Suzy1954 profile image

I think the worst thing is the wait. Your mind will be working overtime. It’s easier once you’re there. The staff will take over and you just seem to give in to what’s going to happen. I found the pain minimal as they take care of that. I did feel like I’d been hit by a bus! Remember it’s a big op but the recovery time is amazing. I was in hospital 9 days then home to concentrate on getting better. There are lots of ups and downs. I felt great then I would cry! Hubby made sure I went out for little walks.

This was all nearly 6 years ago and everything’s fine now. That was my third OHS.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Fredders profile image

I agree with Suzy, the wait before the op is the worst bit, you’re mind goes into overdrive and all the worst case scenarios come out. As you have already read a lot of our posts you’ll have some idea of what to expect, do’s and don’ts etc. It’s pointless to say try not to worry, it’s human nature to be worried about such a major op, just remember your surgeon has done loads of these ops, you’ll be in safe hands. Try thinking about your recovery, start organising things for when you come home and focus on that rather than the op itself.

Hope it all goes well and keep us posted.


Maltilda profile image

As the others have said.. only human nature to be worried. Having your date is good and try and focus on the time afterwards, like looking forward to Christmas, feeling good, having a future etc. The medics are the experts and are amazing! I’ve had 3 OHS’s and awaiting the next one... been waiting since the summer and it did get me down at at time, but have just focused on living and enjoying each day!! Focus on the future and the teams will talk to you and care for you in the hospital. Take care and all the very best.

normal2 profile image

i know it sounds silly but worrying wont help but we all worry

we are human.

you have time to buy a good recliner to recuperate in.

be well my friend.

DenHump profile image

Thanks everyone....yep I have bought a recliner, a V shaped pillow, front fastening bras and some comfy loose jogging suits for afterwards :) Pre op spending....thats my excuse!!

wee-sharrie19 profile image

Hiya. I know how you feel my AVR date is next week and I am all over the place! One minute I am hyper doing my Christmas cleaning, stocking up on food, making and freezing meals to try and make things a bit easier for my family and then the "the little voice" comes and says "but what if?" I don't even want to go there but wonder if I should leave a wee note. I hope this doesn't sound too depressing as I know I need this surgery and I know I will be ok but think it's human nature to worry as said before. You will be fine. I am a bit of a control freak so going to have to learn to do what I am told and accept what I can't control as I know working myself into knots won't help. Take care of yourself and let me know what you find works x

DenHump profile image
DenHump in reply to wee-sharrie19

OMG thats exactly the same as me, then when I thought about leaving notes for my children I was in floods of tears again!! Im keeping busy and sorting Christmas presents/cards/food this week....keep brain busy thats my theory

Alison1960 profile image

I had my AVR 24 days ago. Pre-op I was just like you but also very positive. I focused on the fact that not getting it done was not an option. Also, on trusting my surgeon implicitly. He does lots of these every week and the odds were stacked in my favour. The “what if’s” did rear their ugly head of course but I decided against leaving notes etc as being negative.

Get your house, finances, life, freezer etc organised then when it’s your time just go with the flow. You soon get into the conveyor belt of heart surgery and will be amazed at the caring professionals who look after you. Go with the flow and let them do their job. I had several set backs none of which were preventable but here I am on a gorgeous autumn day. A month ago I was where you are now.

Honestly as everyone says the waiting is the worst. We are SO lucky that we have something that can be fixed, aren’t we?

Good luck - message me if you need anything.

Alison xx

pointer68 profile image
pointer68 in reply to Alison1960

So good to hear everything went ok. Before I went in I kept checking to see if you’d posted anything. Sending you positive vibes for a speedy recovery. We really are blessed ❤️

Alison1960 profile image
Alison1960 in reply to pointer68

Thanks! I wasn’t capable of posting for the first while - I didn’t even look at my phone for days! Glad you are also on the mend - A-Fib is horrid, isn’t it? Are you on medication for it still?

Let’s get well soon - keep me posted on how you’re getting on. Xx

pointer68 profile image

Hi Den, I’m 10 days post op. Was allowed home 2 days ago. The operation went as planned, the only set back was going into AF 2 days later which felt like I had a thousand butterflies in my chest. This is very common apparently and happens to a third of patients - just simply your heart reacting to being man-handled. It was soon bought under control with medication which will be reduced over the next few weeks.

Once I got my date I went into nesting mode. Bought items I thought might be helpful, cleaned, made meals, did paperwork and yes wrote notes to my family. Think this is natural behaviour. I was extremely up and down emotionally- still am tbh and had to pack up work earlier than I had planned just due to the nature of my job.

Now I am making improvements and feel better everyday. Of course, I’ve got a long way to go and I am going to have my down days but without having had this op I may not be here at all so my way to cope was to to concentrate on that.

V-shaped pillow is really helpful for when you are home and of course everybody’s experiences and advice is invaluable.

Good luck - keep in touch Catherine ❤️❤️

DenHump profile image
DenHump in reply to pointer68

Hi Catherine, How are you feeling at 10 days post op? What are you able to do? Or do you have to have everything done for you? Do you have someone with you all the time? Sorry for so many questions!!


pointer68 profile image
pointer68 in reply to DenHump

It’s fine I also had lots of questions and read all the posts on here which I found helpful. To be honest can’t believe how far I’ve come in such a short space of time. I am mostly being looked after in by my husband who fortunately works from home but he has left me for short periods only. I’ve managed showering on my own but can’t manage my hair so found kneeling on a pile of towels with my head over the bath the best way so far. I’m in alot of pain but managing this with regular paracetamol and codeine. I was on morphine but this made me sick and couldn’t cope with that. My wounds seem to be healing a lot quicker than I thought they would. I have managed a little stroll outside today - only 400 steps but that’s a milestone and will try a few more each day, weather permitting.

I know it’s easy to say but please try to stay positive and do what your told. It’s amazing what these surgeons do and they do it everyday so you are in good hands. ❤️

mewg profile image

hi den im a year since i had mine done and have had a few things going on witb medication but otherwise doing fine the healing of the sternum take a nice cusion with you as after the surgery when you cough or sneeze its like you been shot so hold it against ur chest and if given a strap where it.it is a worry but the stuff these surgeons can do is amazing and you will be ok if i can help in anyway just let me know goodluck

redcarpet123 profile image

Don't know whether this will help you. I was referred to urology at local hospital on 16 November sister saw me told me I had to go for a cat scan which I I did but I'd had an allergy to contrast 15 years ago .and couldn't remember what it was for and what the contrast was so told the radiologist would not be doing my cat scan today b dr said when they put a stent in to me they would have used contrast. I had an appointment on 24 November with the cardiologist and first thing I said to him was did you use a contrast when you put my stent in and he said yes and that I was not allergic to it I was fine . Went straight to urology and spoke to sister who said il get an apt made for you. Waited till fri gone and rang the main x ray dept who gave me a cancellation for tues gone. I was really anxious you couldn't talk to me I was biting people's heads off. On the mon night I was up all night couldn't sleep, went to bed at 5.45 and slept till 7.15. Husband couldn't come with me to hospital so had to go myself just getting there was nerve racking anyway my name was shouted and off I went with the nurse told them I was really nervous and they were lovely explained, everything to me after half an hour I was finished and thought to myself these are trained people why on earth was I wound up with worry. I just don't know why I worried. Felt relieved when it was over.

Don't forget these Drs etc have trained and trained they are very well qualified people. Youl be alright. Good luck.

meashamfox profile image

Hi DenHump , I had my AVR in August and I was told 3 years ago it would need doing. My mind was all over the place but when I went into hospital I stayed positive and went with the flow. My advice is to keep your seance of humour and stay positive, my surgeon told me if I'm positive I'll heal quicker. 14 weeks tomorrow since my operation and I start rehab tomorrow, hoping to be back playing walking football next week so as you can see ,I've come a long way in 14 weeks. Good luck ❤

CA1949 profile image

All the best. A friend of mine has just had AVR and is doing fine.

Gundoglady profile image

Hi DenHump

I'm 6 years post op, I'm not a born worrier, but I guess having lived with a crappy heart valve for 46 years helps X I've known all my life I'd need the valve replaced it was just a question of when X

Prior to my op, I spent weeks cooking and sorting, thinking that we'd have meals for when I came home! Hubby and son ate everything I'd made whilst I was in hospital X

If you don't need a bra ( I don't) then don't bother with one at all X

Try and get night wear and day wear that buttons up rather than over your head X

I found the hardest thing about coming home was sleeping in our bed, I just couldn't recline my body, so the above post about the reclining chair really is the best advice X

I guess as everyone else has said relax, put yourself into the hands of the medical staff and let them do their job X

The next few weeks will go quicker than you think X

Good luck with everything and keep us posted X

DenHump profile image
DenHump in reply to Gundoglady

Thankyou for your reply, yes I have taken the advice on here and got a recliner already and its great to hear from everyone who knows where my head is right now so thank you all for taking the time to reply.

Denise x

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