How your life can change in 24 hours !!!!!,
Didn’t mention it yesterday in my post to be honest I forgot . my left calf has been a bit sore the last three days and quite tender and when I tried to get up this morning it was more painful and tender to the touch and I could feel a lump. I had an appointment at the doctors at 9.30am to get my blood pressure checked so I told the nurse and she spoke to a doctor who said I needed to go straight to A&E ............ all I frigging needed !!!
So I phoned my sister in law and she drove me straight there I arrived at 10.30am checked myself in and the TV screen said waiting time 3 hours. Much to my surprise I was seen at 11.15am by a doctor who listened then decided to take my blood pressure oxygen level and 3 files of blood . He measured the circumference of both calf’s. He said he needed to arranged a scan to see if I’d got a blood clot or not. 12.15am I had my scan and unfortunately I had a clot in my vein from my knee and part way up my thigh. At first they thought it was thrombophlebitis which could be treated with painkillers and ibuprofen gel to reduce any inflammation but further investigations showed it was about to become a DVT so I have had to have an injection in my stomach ( blood thinners) then I was allowed home but I’m going to get a call early tomorrow morning to go back to the hospital to organise a treatment plan which may last a few weeks which will consist of daily injections fallowed by another scan in a few weeks. I’d just had two relatively good normal days as you know and now I’ve just been given a proverbial kick in the bollocks !!!
I finally got home at 4pm 5 and a half hours in A&E was just what I’d planned for today NOT!!!!
I’ll need to wait to find out exactly what the plan of treatment is tomorrow and just go with the flow.
I need to try and get my head around it and keep a positive slant it’s just that I had all my exercise planned out for the weekend and now it’s legs elevated and rest .
I’ll update you all after tomorrow’s consultation on what this actually means for my recovery plan
Take care people
Pete ❤️