Hi, new to site. I had symptoms for a few months before going to doctors, basically short of breath, tired all time. Was sent for scan, which came back with coronary heart disease noted or calcific artery disease seen, also atherosclerotic infrarenal abdominal aortic disease noted. I'm waiting to see cardiologist and have a angiogram. My doctor isn't very helpful about these results, may seem a silly question, but does this mean I have heart disease and cardiologist will be able to tell me how severe or mild it is. Thank you.
Hi: Hi, new to site. I had symptoms for... - British Heart Fou...

Hi Jobie. Welcome to the site. Whilst waiting to see the cardiologist it maybe helpful to discuss this with the BHF helpline who have cardiac nurses available to speak to. They will be able to direct you to the kind of questions to ask of your cardiologist and your GP. Start a list of questions that you want to ask as its useful to be prepared for your consultation. Hope you get some answers soon. Take care. Zena
What type of Scan did you have ??? Sounds like you need further investigation hence Angiogram. I believe you don't get a Angiogram without a very strong indication that something is wrong with your heart !!!
Hi thanks I had a ct scan with contrast dye. I only was sent for scan because of breathlessness. They then found calcific coronary artery disease was noted, also atherosclerotic infrarenal abdominal aortic disease was seen, also hiatus hernia was seen and mild emphysema. So I was a bit shocked. Have been referred for angiogram and a cardiologist since June this year, but still waiting for appointment. I am on atvorstatin, and clopidogrel at moment.
Hi Jobie123
I’m sorry to hear of your diagnosis. Since you have had the symptoms for a while I am guessing that you have been trying to avoid being told that you are ill. This is a common reaction and I think many of us here can understand. Certainly a cardiologist is in the best position to discuss the severity (or otherwise) of your condition, appropriate treatments and what you can do yourself to improve your outcome. Look on this as an early warning and, perhaps, the next stage in your life. Take a good look at your lifestyle and see where you can make changes to your exercise and diet. If you smoke, then stop. Stop or reduce any any alcohol intake.
Cardiac care has advanced greatly and there is every chance that you can get your health back. Good luck.
Hi ya thanks for your reply. I'm not in denial or trying to avoid being told I'm I'll. I presented myself to doctor as soon as noticed tiredness, and breathlessness, basically took from April this year to June to get a scan with contrast dye, and then be referred for angiogram and cardiologist, which I have been told could take 29 weeks because of waiting lists, so it's more waiting on appointments then avoiding the issue. The doctor has put me on statins and clopidogrel until I see consultant. Take care thanks for reply.

Hello and welcome! I would feel 99% certain you have coronary artery disease (CAD). The angiogram will show the extent and severity of it. Depending on the results the treatment would be either conservative or interventional. Conservative means medication s d lifestyle changes whilst intervention means stents or a bypass, with lifestyle changes. I started this journey last year when I presented chest pains and breathlessness. An angiogram was the first I had aftet an initial ECG - the scans followed. In June I had a quadruple bypass as excessive calcification meant stents were not an option. Good luck.
Angiograms are an invasive test and my understanding is that the medicos do not want to perform it unless they are sure of an arterial blockage "somewhere" - the angiogram is meant to find out exactly where. You however have symptoms and have had a scan which proves your problem. I had a CT scan of my arteries and was found to have a fairly severe amount of calcification/hardening of my heart arteries - an ultrasound EKG test on a treadmill could not find any blockages and I was fit enough to run to maximum heart rate on the treadmill so they did not need to do an angiogram on me. But I still have CVD Atherosclerosis , even if it shows no symptoms at this time.
Are you in Scotland by any chance ?? Looks like you do have a Heart Problem. Clopidogrel I don't think is a routine GP medication may be wrong on that but sure someone will correct me !!!
Hi I had a heart attack a month ago , didn't think I had and I left it for two days felt fine but got Dr to check if my chest pains were just an infection, he sent me to hospital where they did an ECG and it was confirmed I had a heart attack . I got an angiogram and stent was fitted my main artery to heart was 90% blocked, I was shocked as I didn't really have any prior symptoms ,maybe a bit tired. Keep positive it's what's kept me going
When I saw your name it made me smile, that's why I asked if you are in Scotland
Hiya, did you get any other kind of pains or chest discomfort?
Also if you don’t mind me asking how old are you, cad normally affects older people, but hopefully it’s a condition that can be easily managed for you with medication x