I had aortic valve replacement in June 2015 and, apart from an ECHO in September 2015, I have had no further follow up. Is this OK? A friend who had the same operation as me a few months later, has been called for a valve physiology test and and was told they do them every year...
Valve replacement follow up - British Heart Fou...
Valve replacement follow up

I had my aortic valve replaced in 2011 and I still had regular yearly echos and appointment with cardiologist, they then found the new valve was leaking resulting in another AVR last November. I had another echo two months ago and doctor has said they’ll still do yearly checks. Might be worth contacting your cardiologist and asking him about check ups.
My friend her valve replaced, discharged after five days, apart from a check at six weeks there has been nothing else, that's four years ago.
When I went to see the surgeon about 10 weeks after my AVR I asked about follow up appointments and he said I didn't need to come back. He thought I should see my GP to be checked over in 10 years time! Suits me!!!
I had mitral valve repair mid 2015 and was told by the surgeon team that I need an annual echoe for a few years then If stable the time between can be increased . I was transferred back to local hospital for after care and the cardiologist there said I do not need any echoe for 5 years .Questioned this with GP who said they will write to cardiologist and not had any feedback. I think with all the NHS cuts your on your own until some thing goes wrong