Hello everyone.
I'm 35 years old, live in Brighton, generally healthy, with a job I love and Dad to a little boy and now a baby brother on the way. Very exciting times : )
However, as you'll probably guess, I am here as my heart is playing up and I'm looking for a bit of advice and even some people to talk to about it all.
I've had a few MRI's over the past couple of years as I've had strong arrhythmias, dizziness and breathlessness. On the MRI, my heart function was weak (50%) and both chambers were expanded so cardiomyopathy was suspected. However, I had a very successful operation (Cardiac Ablation) for the Arrhythmia and post-operation it was hoped that the heart expansion was caused by the arrhythmias, so we were hoping that the functionality of the heart would return to normal.
However, my last two MRIs have shown that there has been no improvement in the heart size and functionality, so the Cardiomyopathy conversation in being had again. We're now going to wait 12 months, without medication, before another MRI to see if it gets better, or worse before properly diagnosing.
So I find myself in a funny kind of limbo. I'm desperate to learn more about the possible condition or find the best way to get myself as healthy as possible to help my heart recover, if I indeed don't have the condition.
I'm really keen to hear from anyone else who feels they are at this stage where you're not fully diagnosed with a condition yet and are also feeling a bit confused and insecure about how you live your life for the next X months. Do you wrap yourself in cotton wool, or throw caution to the wind and continue life as normal while you wait for the diagnosis? I'm not looking for answers, but it would be interesting to discuss with anyone out there..!
My other question is regarding who you choose to talk to about this. Do you find it best to talk to friends and family, or do you think professional help is best? There are a lot of big questions which something like this brings up, which are difficult to talk about during a busy life, so I'd love to hear any advice!
Thanks, everyone - I look forward to hearing your stories and connecting with you!