Hi I have Graves’ disease but recently have been terrible palpitations and breathlessness. My GP mocked me when I said I thought there was something wrong with my heart. I asked to see a cardiologist but he told me there was a 10 month wait and it was unnecessary. I have health insurance so I asked him to refer me privately. After an echogram an MRI it turns out I have an atrial septum aneurysm.
I am a little confused because my cardiologist said the results showed the prolaps I am a little confused because my cardiologist said it was quite rare and he had only seen it a few times. My septum is bowing from the left to the right and the septum is only a1mm thick. I think the septum is appropriately 4-5mm.
The cardiologist who initially kept saying to me you know your septum is very thin and made me feel quite alarmed is now very vague. He said although I am high risk of clots and pulmonary embolism I can’t have blood thinners because I have Von willibrands disease.
Does anyone else have this defect especially the thin atrial septum. I keep wondering if itcan rupture but don’t want to look like an idiot if I ask my GP.
Thanks in advance for any advice.