The Heat : I was wondering how... - British Heart Fou...

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The Heat

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star
13 Replies

I was wondering how everyone was coping with the heat? Although I am now four weeks post-quad-bypass I feel I have been at a near standstill for two weeks. I was walking a little more each day but now find I am not progressing as I have to mainly limit myself to before 9:00am or after 9:00pm. The problem is that at these times I feel very tired – there has been no improvement in my tiredness levels. Also, although my appetite was starting to pick up I hardly feel like eating. My sleeping is also quite bad, I have a GP review coming up and will obviously raise all of this One thought is that my BP was quite low last time – could the heal be causing hypotension?

How are others coping?

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MichaelJH profile image
Heart Star
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13 Replies

In all fairness many fit able bodied folk are now suffering the effects of the heat. No sleep, lack of appetite, lethargy and the rest is affecting the majority. It is killing me and October cannot come soon enough. My husband has booked us a week at the seaside for then and I hope it is bloomin freezing :D I think this heat is just bad timing for you after such a huge op. It does keep reiterating on the news etc that elderly people, Children and people with heart or lung issues are vulnerable in the extreme heat.

IanGordon profile image

I think your current experience is probably par for the course, Michael, but exacerbated by the high temperatures. My first two weeks post-AVR were bleak with poor sleep, little appetite and virtually non-existant energy levels. Slight improvements started to happen during the following weeks but initially nothing dramatic and still low energy levels and lapsing into the deepest of sleeps in the afternoon. Generally I ate when I was hungry but not meals and slept as needed but kept up the exercise regime, as far as my body would allow.

It's a long haul and at 4 weeks there's still a lot of healing to do so try to get protein in the little you eat and maybe vitamin C if you are a bit light on fruit and veg. I hit week 11 tomorrow but still not seen my surgeon but all is good with improved energy levels and quicker recovery from the walking and cycling I am committed to. I do an inactivity day too and that's tomorrow.

I'm OK with the heat levels but would not have been comfortable at week 4 so just take it steady and don't overdo the walking - if there's one thing I've learned is that your body calls the shots and there are no shortcuts. It will get better, easier and more tolerable until you discover your new 'normal'

RoyM profile image
RoyM in reply to IanGordon

Nice to hear you're continuing to improve and getting stronger. Cheers Roy

Zena166 profile image

Hi Michael. The heat is horrendous. I haven’t tolerated it at all well what I find in terms of diet I only eat cold food such as salad/sandwiches/rolled oats. My staple is frozen fruits with soy yogurt it acts as a coolant as well! I also supplement with a protein drink as likewise it’s too hot to eat.

Exercise what about doing some internal stuff like walking on the spot. Or one step and down on the stairs. I appreciate its not the same but it will keep you moving until you can get out more. Alternatively the Newcastle was a delightful 16 yesterday with a North Easterly breeze. Bliss! I needed a cardigan outside and I slept under the quilt last night for the first time in ages!! Hope you’re back on track soon. But rest is good as well. Take care. Zena

Effiecat profile image

Yes, Michael, the heat does reduce blood pressure, it dilates the blood vessels. Good idea to have it checked, it could be contributing.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Many thanks for the replies. I have my second GP review (post the raft of blood tests) later this morning and will also raise the issues with them. Will report back on what they say.

The review with my consultant now looks as if it will be around week 8. They seem to struggle to fit them all in.

Salihyuksel67 profile image

Hi Michael

I done triple bypass operation 3 months ago and I am doing OK but hot weather make me really tired and not giving me good sleep. Today bit better I am returning work Monday and feel scared.

gal4God profile image

I’m getting cold sweats at the mo so been needing the heating on a few weeks before the heatwave so this enjoying it more than normal

Hi, early days in your recovery and takes time for everything to balance out, it's frustrating and the temptation is to push yourself. Sleeping and eating for me did not get back to normal for a few months. As for the heat I use to hate it but now (3 years post 4xCABG) it really does not faze me and I even venture to hot climates now! Wishing you well.

Rosei profile image

I have sympathy for you, I am supposed to exercise but find I just cannot in this heat, like you my appetite has gone, I am permanently tired, I am doing low profile till it's over. I do have stairs so I walk up and down them several times in a day, hoping it helps. Don't worry about exercise until it's cooler.

stevejb1810 profile image

Hi Michael

I’m 9 months post triple CABG and I’ve just returned from a 2 week business trip in China where it’s even hotter and a lot more humid. It was very tiring being out of the air on splendour of the offices. I found I could do a lot less and my walking pace slowed considerably to conserve what seemed like very depleted energy levels. It’s a fairly standard thing where blood vessels dilate to help lose heat and blood pressure drops etc. ‘Normal ‘ fit people cope better that we hearties. Just do what you can when you can but it’s bloody hot so take it easy and don’t beat yourself up for doing very little. There will be time to catch up - it is Britain after all, this heat won’t last for ever.

wiltsgirl profile image

Hi Michael, do you remember how you felt in the heat before the bypass? I think its affecting us all. There are some days when I nap in the afternoon and some when I do not. I'm walking the dog early morning for about an hour, probably a mile but normally this would be 3 miles. if I go back to the stage you are at I think I was walking for perhaps half an hour and then back, it wasn't so hot and if it had been I probably wouldn't have done this. Don't be too hard on yourself, you are doing great, I set myself a goal of walking for a mile by 6 weeks, but it was much cooler. One step at a time, take care x

invictaAlec profile image

Michael, I'm only a few weeks post 3xCABG and I'm finding the heat troublesome. Normally I travel all around my king size bed during the night. I was told by the hospital on discharge not to sleep on my sides to begin with. Probably out of fear of spoiling their good work I now appear not to have moved a millimetre by the time I wake up. This means I wake to find myself often in a pool of sweat. I'm definitely down to the shops tomorrow to replace my badly stained pillows. Fear not, this is the UK....the heat won't last!

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