I'm having an angiogram tomorrow.
I have to have one after a CT scan showed a dense confluent calcification in the proximal LAD, so of course I'm happy they are looking into it, but a bit scary to have such an invasive procedure.
Scared what they are going to find, what If it's so bad I need a bypass? I feel quite good at the moment, especially now i'm having Betablockers, no tachycardia anymore, so weird whilst I feel good to have to go to hospital to have an Angiogram.
I never even met the Cardiologist who is going to do the procedure, just a registrar at the pre-op clinic. Fingers crossed it's all going well and i'm not one of the 0.1% they warn you for at pre-op clinic.
Thanks for reading!!
PS; I got an urine infection last week and on last day AB tomorrow, the nurse at GP practice said that she doesn't think it effects Angiogram, i can't really find any information about it. I hope it doesn't effect it, I feel fine so I think infection is gone, but you never know.