Cardio Physio benefits (UN)expetced - British Heart Fou...

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Cardio Physio benefits (UN)expetced

8 Replies

This post is just the truly unexpected benefit of attending the optional Cardio Physiotherapy and not walking out on the first day because i hated it and i hated me. If one person gets my experience then i passed on a little of what i was given.

At my annual checkup I was referred urgently to a Cardiologist. Told i had chronic heart failure, Left Branch Bundle Block, an enlarged heart and LVEF around 20% (probably had my heart attack within the previous 6 months). I have a photo from A&E, a couple of days later, and it shows Blood oxygen at 86% ( i wont Google that even today).

I got great medical treatment very quickly but was told my lifespan would be significantly shortened and I would soon have an ICD fitted. Basically, i started preparing to die and worked on my families future after me.

My cardio trainer was lovely but the people in the class were life changing. They didn't care if i was the slowest on the treadmill or how my 22 stone looked in gym clothes. When we did team sport invited me to be on their team so they could encourage me even when we lost. My attitude slowly changed and i saw what was really important was me and "success" was just doing my best and then trying to stretch it a little (didn't matter if i failed, mattered that i tried).

15 months on, I am not an athlete and i am still obese but i am going in the right direction. I still have a long way to go but i wont give in because i think i will be a failure or because i think the person next to me looks at me in disgust.

What dd i achieve. my LVEF got up to 53%, i am 4 stone lighter, i easily walk my daily 10,000 steps, my heart is a normal size and my pulse dropped from mid 90s to mid 60s without changing medication. Diet, stress, sleep have all improved. Sadly I still worry about how people see my body in the Gym, I just dont let that or anything else stop me tryining.


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8 Replies
NathanBlau profile image

Absolutely fantastic, a real inspirational story and an example of what rehab can do both physically and mentally.

Steadyeddie100 profile image

It doesn't matter to me or anyone else about how you look. It's the person and the achievement you have made. Well done on this. Keep it going!!

in reply to Steadyeddie100

Thank you.

No one ever gave me anything but encouragement. Me, in my head, was prepared to die rather than try because i though other people would laugh or be rude. I wont be the first and i wont be the last I just wanted to share this in case it helps someone.

Mary_Janet profile image

That is so impressive, congratulations. I found cardiac rehab so helpful physically and emotionally. I am just off to the gym something I never did pre illness and much to my surprise enjoy it. Keep going you are doing amazingly well. Mary

anke123 profile image

That is so good and it shows how others can help you as well. Keep it up and don't worry about what others think.

Zena166 profile image

Wow. What an inspiration you are. Brilliant results. Nice to read such positive outcomes. Never ever bother about what people think. Because if all they are seeing is your physical appearance rather than who you are and what’s inside then they’re not worth knowing. The fact that you have achieved so much makes you incredibly special and worth so much more than what others think. So next time you walk into the gym hold your head up high. Look people in the eye knowing you have achieved so much and are truly inspirational. Keep it going and be proud. Take care. Zena

DAFFODILLS profile image

Well done , I also love rehab and I have loved shrinking in front of that mirror whilst doing the exercises, we all look different in our class but we are all happy to be alive we share our experiences and certainly dont judge one another ,and we definetely support one another, I must of been the biggest cry baby they had ! so dont worry what you look like we are all there for the same reason x

alexgilbert profile image

Well done, your post will be an inspiration to many who find themselves in this position. I too am so glad I took up the offer of cardio rehab. At first I was apprehensive as I have never even been in a gym in my life but everyone there was so supportive I feel I have benefited greatly both physically and emotionally. Sadly I have just finished my last session but I am determined to keep it up at my local gym.

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