Scared: Hi everyone. I had a funny... - British Heart Fou...

British Heart Foundation

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0rford profile image
•19 Replies

Hi everyone. I had a funny turn whilst in bed 2 months ago and managed to fall downstairs😖 I ended up in hospital because I’d banged my head and whilst in there was told a had ectopic beats and had an echo cardio gram and was told a had mild heart failure. I have never been as shocked and frightened in all my life. I am still waiting for an MRI heart scan to see exactly what the issue is and have been put on 1.25 of Ramipril. I have had no counselling about anything and am full of anxiety. I am scared to go to bed as I think I will have another “funny turn” but this obviously brings on a panic attack. I am 59 and a keep fit person who boxes, climbs mountains etc only to be told to lay off this till I have the scan which nobody has a date for (because of the coronavirus) I have also been told not to drive hence I can’t work as I need my car. I am so poorly with anxiety and don’t know how to deal with it. I don’t know exactly what’s wrong with me and nobody is helping me, it has completely floored me xx

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0rford profile image
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19 Replies
0rford profile image

Hi I have a good diet, don’t smoke or drink so dont know what’s going on but thanks anyway x

in reply to 0rford

Don't take everything that Stillconcerned says as gospel, it certainly isn't and does not represent the mainstream view at all. If your are worried about diet, which you probably are not, I would seek advice from your GP. The guy does not actually have heart disease, by the way.

0rford profile image
0rford in reply to

Thanks, I’m not bothered about diet, I eat right, don’t drink or smoke and have always been into fitness full time, just don’t actually know what’s up with me and nobody is telling me anything as they’re waiting for the MRI scan which there’s no date for 😣😣 x

in reply to 0rford

I am sure you probably have but the only thing I can say to you is to keep badgering them until you get a date. I am afraid that, certainly at the moment, things seem to run on the basis that the chicks that tweet loudest get fed, if you just accept what they say you will wait forever. It seems ridiculous that the scan has not been done as a priority for someone of your age.

080311 profile image

Hello Orford.

Welcome to the forum, I can understand what a scary position you have found yourself in. How can our bodies let us down but there are plenty on the forum who have had a diagnosis of HF and have turned things round.

What you have to remember you have found there’s a problem so now it’s let’s get it sorted.

Once you have had all the investigations done and they have a plan in place you will feel better.

Being scared is so natural, thinking you will have another funny turn, brain saying it happened once it’s going to happen again.

I have had open heart surgery so can understand that feeling of what if!

Now you have joined us Hearties remember your not alone there will be someone to listen to your worries and give you a shoulder to lean on.

Let us know how you go

Best wishes Pauline

Take care

0rford profile image
0rford in reply to 080311

Thanks, it’s reassuring that people are here who can understand how you’re feeling x

ellj profile image

I am so sorry to hear your story, I completely understand your anxiety and panic.

This has obviously come out of the blue and you could really have done with someone talking it through with you.

I don't know if it would help you to talk to a bhf helpline nurse ?

Perhaps as more tests are done things will become a bit clearer and you may then find that there is a local support group which could possibly answer some of your concerns or at least help you feel less alone with this bombshell.

I hope that you get further information as MRI and other tests are done.

I wish I could be more helpful but hope that knowing people care helps just a little bit.

Best wishes


0rford profile image
0rford in reply to ellj

Thank you Ellie, just the waiting to find what’s up and nobody being there to explain things, hope you’re well x

Please be reassured if they had thought it was more serious you would have been kept in hospital. They are still doing MRI scans and operations but only on what they feel takes priority.

The BHF nurses are brilliant on this site and they very approachable too, or you could talk to your doctor on the phone obviously 🙄 maybe he or she could explain things a bit more because they should have received a letter regarding your trip to A&E and your treatment.

Either way try not to let anxiety overwhelm you which I know is easier said than done.

Elaine xx

0rford profile image
0rford in reply to

Thanks, will give the BHF nurses a ring as doctor or heart failure nurse have told me nothing xx

in reply to 0rford

Good, let us know how you go on ❤️

Darp profile image

Sorry to hear you haven’t been well I guess it’s quite difficult to know what’s going on until you have the test good luck and I wish you all the best

Mickymoo profile image

I really know how you feel. I went to my gp last october with breathlessness and swelling in ankles. After a blood test (bnp) i had a cardiologist appointment within 2 weeks. He did an echocardiogram and had a good discussion with him and he said i have heart failure. At 41 this came as a bolt out of the blue. Since then ive had a ct angiogram and heart mri, but my appointment with cardiologist was cancelled due to corona virus. So im left hanging all these months. Dont know how severe it is or whats causing it. Only medication for now is water diruetics to get rid of the fluid retention. What i did last week wax rang my gp and told him my anxiety is sky high with it all and he agreed id been waiting too long now. He "red flagged " a letter to both cardiologist and respiratory team and i got a letter today for a phone consultation at end of August . So if i was you i would ring your gp and ask him to do the same. You will probably (hopefully) be seen quicker as i was. Hope this helps x

stillaboveground profile image

I don't think 0rford seems to have a diet problem by the sound of it, he just needs support. Take care keep safe.

stillaboveground profile image

Hi I hope you get some answers soon. Take care and keep safe.

seasider18 profile image

The words to bear in mind are 'Mild Heart failure'. Heart failure is a scary term that is bandied around and it is difficult know exactly what it means to any partcular individual.

Do any of those apply to you?

84green profile image

Hi Orford

“Heart failure” is such a brutal and inaccurate phrase. It covers a variety of conditions. You are understandably worried but try not to be. If there were any immediate concerns you wouldn’t have been sent home.

It might be worth calling one of the BHF nurses on Monday (or your GP) to discuss your hospital stay and any forthcoming tests.

In the meantime, another poster (“Calliope153”) posted this very interesting article a while ago. I think you may find it helpful.

Best wishes

0rford profile image
0rford in reply to 84green

Thanks, will have a read x

Andyd57 profile image

Hi Orford. Sorry i only usually come on this forum once a month and just seen your post. I completelt sympathise with you being scared ! I have given my story on here but I will try and make you feel.better and become more positive. I had a heart attack at 39. 1 stent back in 2001. I was frightened to pick up a matchstick at first ! I was that bad I seen a psychiatrist for the first 2 years my wife and children suffered also. But look at the date ? I have now survived another 19 years . My life is almost back to normal. I have had a few scares over the last few months and waiting on another angiogram on the 24th of this month. I have an ICM fitted 2 years ago to monitor for any arrhythmia. I also have a device at the side of my bed which records 24 hours a day and sends the information over the Wi Fi. All I can say is try not to worry and stay positive. I am quite fit and still have a few drinks you can get back together but it does take time and we are all different. If you are evercworried and feel your on your own just message me for a chat no problem. Keep your chin up and you will be back.on the dance floor in no time 😎😎good luck

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