I have been advised by my cardiologist to stop bisoprolol this week, reduce atorvastatin to 10mg instead of 80mg. I’m still on aspirin, clopidigrol and ramipril. I still have unexplained chest pain and pain between shoulder blades both on resting or exertion. I am now wondering if the cause can be ramipril?Has anyone else experienced similar pains?
Ongoing pains: I have been advised by... - British Heart Fou...
Ongoing pains

I had ramapril just gave me pain under ribs
Hi I had a heart attack 10 weeks ago have lost quite a bit of weight approx 3 stone and have been suffering with really bad back pain between the shoulders t starts like a hot poker and then turns into burning and I also have really bad pain in my ribs both on my sides . I assumed this was weight related as have been exceeding a lot more than I ever have but this pos makes me think it might be pills related . Also taking rampiril Statins , ticagrelor biospural asprin and omprezole. Anyone had anything similar?
I also had heart attack 11 weeks ago. I have lost a stone in weight. I’m just trying to rule out medications that may be causing this constant discomfort and pain. It’s very debilitating and definitely slowing my recovery.
I was also put on Rampiril and satins after my Atrial fibrilation which caused a heart attack there was no blockages to arteres. The Rampril caused my blood pressure to drop very low and was taken off them Statins caused me so many problems I refused to take them. I have been fine since with no problems. That was nearly 3 years ago. Make your own decisions as to what you take. No good suffering.
I had my heart attack in February and as soon as I started the statins seemed to have constant pain between the shoulders, in the shoulders and have at times had it in the ribs a knawing pain /ache .I suffered it despite two hospital admissions saying it was GERD and then stress/anxiety . I have also lost two stone , Finally I said to my cardiac nurse that I could not stand it any longer and my artovastatin was reduced from 80 to 40. After a week I finally felt 99% better thank heavens !