I'm a 28 year old male from the UK. I have an average build and as far as I know there is nothing wrong with my heart other than the fact I suffer from left bundle branch block which was diagnosed in 2015. From the age of 16 up until the age of 26 I was a moderate smoker and I smoked anywhere between five and ten cigarettes a day. I quit more or less straight away when I began to experience pain in my chest after smoking. This was a sharp, stabbing type of pain which, like a pulse, would occur every time my heart contracted. These episodes typically lasted anywhere from a couple of seconds up to half a minute and were very scary.
Fortunately for me, no sooner had I quit smoking than the pain departed from me. However there has still been a handful of times in which it has returned, the most recent of which being just under a week ago whilst I was out shopping and lasting for about 20 seconds. This most recent occurrence was particularly uncomfortable and harrowing, to the extent I have been more than a little worried ever since.
This is why I have booked an appointment to see my doctor soon as I would like to request some type of scan to check if my arteries are clogged or to determine if there are any other problems which need seeing to. The problem is that I highly doubt the doctor will grant my request for a scan but will more than likely to listen to my heart using his stethoscope, give me a clean bill of health and then send me home. Such an outcome as this will do nothing to help my anxiety so should I be refused a scan I was just wondering if anyone could tell me if there was anywhere else I could go to get a scan privately. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
A worried man