My wife has booked 4 nights in Cala D'or Spain, 20th April, but I have tried to get Health Insurance, I have an appointment to 4.30, 16th April, to get a proper investigation diagnosis, I have a 50% blockage RCA, Angina, and was diagnosed a few days ago with Sleep Apnea, but, I also have a Neurosurgeon Appointment in June for investigation on my Neck Vertebraes, due to wear, I keep dropping things, co-ordination, head aches. I need to get Travel Insurance, can anyone please advise on this matter, I'm sure all will be well, apparantly an awaiting diagnosis is more of a problem than knowing what the problems are, so be careful when booking a Holiday, I didn't think this would be an issue, but it is, thanks, Dave.
I am Dave, and I am looking for Trave... - British Heart Fou...
I am Dave, and I am looking for Travel Insurance ideas.

Hi Dave you may like to try all clear It is recommend by Stroke Association and I think is as reasonable as it can be. Good luck with the tests. Zena
Many thanks Zenna 166, I wish you a speedy recovery, I will contact them, thank you for your advice, Dave

Just a quick note BHF have got more details on their site. Link here.
Thank you Zenna, we are now looking into this, Dave
I was waiting to be seen by a cardiologist before going away last year. I pushed for an appt beforehand but I was then referred onto another cardiologist. I found insurance was an absolute nightmare - I was 34 in otherwise good health so it seemed crazy. I used the list on the BHF website and literally went down the list and called every insurer until I found one that applied some common sense! I can't remember which one I used but I would highly recommend the specialist insurers on the BHF website.
Thank you
Hi Dave I use Insure and Go..had to cancel a cruise due to my unexpectedly needing a double bypass..they were very understanding and helpful and we received full with them and the premium increase was favourable. Hope you get sorted soon and have a good holiday.
All the very best, thanks for the information.
I am facing the same dilemma, having recently been diagnosed with mild to moderate aortic stenosis. The specialist has discharged me. A statin (Lipitor) has been added to the medication I already take for high blood pressure, and depression and anxiety. As I go abroad several times a year, including to the USA, I had a comprehensive annual worldwide policy with Insure and Go that cost £154. When I called to inform them of my medical changes, my premium went up to over £900. It’s insane. Presumably people who have more serious heart conditions or any long term or life-threatening illness have to pay even more.
Even Saga won’t give me a quote for an annual policy, and I thought this was their speciality. Someone suggested going to an insurance broker but I don’t know how to find a good one.
My only option is to get travel insurance through my bank account with Nationwide. It has a monthly fee and includes worldwide travel insurance. To add all my pre-existing conditions, it would cost just over £200. This sounds like a bargain but it is so much lower than other quotes I’ve received, I’m a sceptical about it. I’ve read the complete terms and conditions and they seem legit. Some of the coverage limits are lower than Insure and Go but it’s still £10m. for medical, and decent amounts for cancellation, lost property, etc. And there’s a £50 excess.
Does anyone have this kind of travel insurance through their bank, and have you filed a claim? Or has anyone had a bad experience? Thanks.
My bank travel insurance with Nationwide would not cover me at any cost,only extra medical declaration was heart attack 8 weeks ago with one stent fitted,and associated cocktail of meds.Got cover in end with 4 MEDICAL - through All Clear,cost for single trip £98.Not too bad and my husband kept his bank account one,He said they would still cover me for other conditions still,but I doubt that,must give another call to check,though covered by new insurance so not a problem.
I have insurance throughj the same bank (Nationwide) all the way through SVT and being over 70. Then I had a heart attack and had to cancel a holiday in South Africa. N'wide TIns repaid our deposit and the card fee with very little hassle and a great deal of understanding...and very quickly.
I am with Santander, I was told I did not have to disclose any undiagnosed symptoms, only declare it when it has been 100 % diagnosed, it seems different companies have different views on health issues, I have had to declare Angina, and anxiety depression problems due to a head injury, so i will be on sertraline indefinetly, all the very best to your future health.
Thanks, all the very best

You’re right. Every company is different. They all have different levels of coverage too. Some have higher excesses and lower limits on reimbursement.
My Doctor said I should declare awaiting diagnosis, yet, Santander said to wait for a proper diagnosis, and wouldn't need to be added to the quote, strange how it should vary, always best to declare, I have had other companies requesting specific terminology, I wish were staying in the UK now, thanks, Dave
Hi, I had travel insurance with Nationwide. They wanted approx £155 extra to insure my angina, but after I was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy & 2 leaking heart valves they wouldn't insure me at all! Nor would 42 other companies. Then someone on this forum said she joined a Women's Institute group for £41 p.a as over age 50 & then could join their group travel insurance with Open Travel co, who do not ask any medical conditons & charge £195 p.a. Clare
Has anyone reading this thread actually purchased the W.I. insurance and claimed on it?
How do you join?
1. Go to a local Women's Institute group meeting.
2. pay £41 annual joining fee & make sure you get the correct name of the local group you've joined & the name of the regional group.
3. Put these 2 group names & your other details onto the Open Travel insurance company form you've downloaded from the travel insurance section of the W.I. website. Then speak to Open Travel, then send the completed form to them + direct debit info.
Thank you everyone, I think we have sorted it now, wishing you all good health and happiness.
Hi Dave. If you have a female partner living at the same address aged 50+ she can join a Women's Institute group for £41 p.a. & then join their group travel annual insurance policy with Open Travel for £195 p.a., who don't ask any medical questions & cover everyone in the household. But I guess it's too late if you are going in a few days. Best of luck.