Hi, two weeks ago at the age of 41 I had a heart attack. (After being told by doctors that it couldn’t possibly be and that I didn’t need to be urgently seen) it’s been an interesting time since and I’m trying to come to terms with everything and work out what to do now so it doesn’t happen again.
In shock: Hi, two weeks ago at the age... - British Heart Fou...
In shock
hi there hun im in recovery now after surgery yesterday hope ur ok x
Hi honey, its a very hard and worrying time for you. Chat to all these lovely people on this site they/we/ will always be here to listen no matter how you feel. You have age on your side and all of us behind you!!! Keep in touch and take care. Sue x
Hi there and welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear of your troubles, have they done any follow ups as yet or booked you in for some?
Hi Shandypants. What a huge shock for you. Give yourself time, you have such a lot to just digest. Believe me, there is a good life to be had after a HA, and you are v young, you’ll find it, you’ll get there.
Keep in good touch.
Hi Shandypants,
I had a heart attack at 42 it's a huge shock you feel as if your body has let you down. I felt as if a lot of my confidence had gone and the consequences go further than you first think. I went back to work slowly just two weeks after as I was self employed it was a mistake. I didn't give myself time to just heal and come to terms with things I just wanted to get back to my old life. I should have been reflecting why it had happened and what needed to Change especially stress. I made a good friend in cardiac rehab she is the same age and also had an MI she took 18 months to return to work. She has made a better recovery than me!
So be kind to yourself, take time to recover it takes six weeks of rest before increasing activity levels. Learn to meditate it does help a lot, put yourself first I put myself last after the dog. I looked after everyone else first and me last I have finally valued my health higher now. Learn to say NO to people if you usually can't say no, I am a people pleaser and always said yes.
Stay well I am happy to chat further if you feel overwhelmed.
Hi Nicky, sounds very familiar in that I’m very independent and always doing something which is actually what is frustrating me the most at the moment, basically I’m not a good patient. I know that has to change so just doing a bit at a time, my job is office based so at the moment they have only signed me off for a month and I know work weren’t even happy about that I get the impression that they don’t really believe that it was a heart attack but that’s their problem.
Do lots of walking, it’s good for the heart. I do a regular 2 mile walk every morning and always walk when an opportunity. It has helped me enormously and is the easiest exercise to do. I also changed my lifestyle, nutrition and lost about 15kg over a year is so when I had my heart problems as I was overweight. But take things easy and gradually adjust to a new way of healthy living. Good luck
Hi sorry to hear about your heart attack, I've had similar experience with doctor telling me I was perhaps over working, and that it couldn't be my heart, and that to double up on my antacid tablets, Next day I'm being told by cardiologist I need open heart surgery 😫ASAP after quadruple heart by pass, then a heart attack due to three bypasses failed, 13 stents later, now awaiting for CT Scan as I have pain everyday (unstable angina) 2 years of being ill. I ask myself why did the GP not listen to me ? This could have all been avoided.
Oh god that’s horrendous I thought my combined 9 hours waiting for an ambulance and waiting to be seen in a&e was bad, hope they sort the scan for you soon
Hi Shandypants, just wanted to say welcome. I think there's still a general perception that heart disease is something that affects the old and the incredibly unhealthy, but you'll see from this forum there are lots of younger people in the same or similar boat. I was diagnosed with heart failure six years ago and it took me such a long time to adjust mentally and be able to accept my new health status. It's so scary to lose faith in your heart and you must be feeling quite overwhelmed still, but it does get easier. As others have said, live healthily, take your time and be really kind to yourself/put yourself first for a while. It's great that you've sought out a forum like this already, it does help to know you're not alone in what you're going through. Good luck with your recovery and I hope your work become a bit more sympathetic/supportive x
Thanks, everyone has been great with sharing their stories and advice. Family and friends have been great but no offence to them they don’t understand, it’s not like breaking an arm/leg which you can get away with not having to using for a while. Still I’m still here and it’s just upwards from there.
Hi there I had a massive HA and arrested too 6eks ago. I'm 61 but felt younger.it takes time and your body will tell you to slow down. Be kind to yourself. Good luck we will get there x
OMG Christine, what an experience, I hope you are recovering well.
It’s not just others who don’t understand, often the patient is also in denial. If you broke your leg and had a cast on, the cast automatically forms a protection for the bones and muscle. It is a visual reminder to all that an injury is there and rest is essential to healing.
The heart is also a damaged muscle after an AMI, yet there are no visual signs that damage has taken place or that the muscle needs protection. If it was your leg you would take it easy, others might help by opening doors for you, offering you a chair ... outside of the healthcare system and your loved ones, your heart is the invisible damaged muscle. However, it needs care, attention and protection as does every damaged muscle, only our heart muscle is precious, it’s what keeps us alive.
Please listen to your body, especially your heart muscle. Take rest when you need it and continue to train it with exercise to protect it and keep it pumping for many more years.
Take care!
I hope you are doing OK it's still early days and it does knock the stuffing out of you. No matter what others say it's always hard to tell your family how traumatised you are. So I'm pleased you found us' to chat to.
Hi Fran, I’m glad as well although I think I was lucky compared to what some people have been through. Tania
Hi there
I am sorry you have also had a heart attack at such a young age. I am 42 and had my heart attack and subsequent stents nearly 4 weeks ago. was told in A and E that it was probably heartburn and that I was too young. 3rd visit in a week still with chest pains I was left sitting in a corridor for 4 hours then when finally seen, blood tests revealed two hours after that that I'd had an MI. Hope your starting to recover well. I'm still getting chest aches but they feel better when moving around so it can't be angina, must just be healing. Take all the time you need from work, I know I will. Your health is more important.
Andrea x