Blood clot after heart attack - British Heart Fou...

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Blood clot after heart attack

Sass121 profile image
72 Replies


I had a heart attack in Januarydue to full blockage of the left ventricular artery. After 6 weeks I had an MRI which showed I have a blood clot following the scarring where the problem was. I am now on warfarin. I never had any heart problems and in fact no medical conditions before. I am 52 widower with an 11 year old child and very worried about the future. I have a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly. The doctors are not saying much that helps me feel more optimistic. Can someone please let me know if they have gone through the same and how was it for them. Thank you.

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Sass121 profile image
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72 Replies
jim109b profile image

I had a heart attack when I was 55 and while I was still in hospital they performed an echocardiogram that detected what they thought was a clot in my left ventricle. Because of this I was put on warfarin. I had a follow-up echocardiogram at 4 weeks.

It was suggested that I would be on warfarin for at least six months. Around the six month mark I had an MRI and this could find no evidence of a clot so the warfarin was stopped.

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to jim109b

Hi Jim

Thank you for your response. It is very reassuring and helpful. I am glad you are clear of the clot. I hope for the same.

JakJenLew profile image

Rather than waiting for your next cardiology appointment... why don't you go speak to your GP as they will have everything on file that your cardiologist has said it might put your mind at ease and if you have any concerns tell your GP ...♥️

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to JakJenLew

Thanks for the response. I have spoken to my go and he seems rather clueless and keeps telling me to talk to my cardiologist.

JakJenLew profile image
JakJenLew in reply to Sass121

Your GP should be sent any results from cardiologist... I would see another Gp in your practice to help put your mind at ease ♥️

Sass121 profile image

He does have the results. However, when I ask about prognosis or clarification ( about the clot and EF) he refers me to the cardiologist. And when I push for answers all the GPS I see are rather ambiguous.

JakJenLew profile image
JakJenLew in reply to Sass121

You should ask them to email your cardiologist and ask for an appointment to put your mind at ease... ♥️

mickybman profile image

Hi there, I had heart attack march 21st and 3 stents fitted . I was very fit and no symptoms though my younger brother has heart problems. 3 weeks ago I had echocardiogram and was informed they found a clot in damaged part of heart and was told I need to start warfarin. I have been somewhat shocked by this to say the least. Have had conflicting reports about warfarin, will it disperse clot? Will I be on warfarin for life, one of the nurses said this would probably be the case. Gonnna try to see cardiologist to get some clarification on things, he has told me to have another echocardiogram in 6 weeks now. Obviously worried about having another heart attack.

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman

Thanks for your response. It is really worrying to think there is a blood clot in the heart. I was told exactly the same reason for it happening and have an echocardiogram booked for September. I have also had conflicting points of view, with a Dr saying I will come off warfarin by end of August and another saying I will be on them for life.

How is your EF now and has it improved since your stent procedure? Mine was 38% after my heart attack and went up to 45% 7 weeks after. My cardiologist seems more concerned with that than the clot.

I hope you are feeling better .


mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

They never told me my ef after 2nd echocardiogram they seemed more concerned about clot. It's one of the things I need clarification on. Ef after heart attack was 36 but I'd been back exercising and sort of had been expecting good news on that front. Seems good your end that they seemed more concerned with ef than clot. Can't get thought of clot out of my head and also don't like idea of being on warfarin continuously. I actually am physically well but not mentally! They also started me on clopidogrel as welll as warfarin.

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman

I am on clopdigoral too. I really empathise with what you're going through. I too am feeling good physically but mentally not so. Lots of anxiety. I think the best bit is that they found the blockage sorted it out and with the tablets the clot are less dangerous. I find the hardest part the doctor's ambiguity and conflicting thoughts. It is normally to have emotional and mental difficulties. It's such a shock to the system and very hard to just get on with it. Keep focusing on how well you feel physically and most importantly keep an eye on your stress levels.

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Thanks. Have tablets dispersed your clot ? We seem very similar cases. Helps to talk to someone going through similar thing. I know it is lucky they found it I suppose. Thanks for the replies.

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman

I agree. I was so worried and scared before. Thank you for sharing your experience.

I will find out in September if the clot is gone.

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

I will find out about then too. Does warfarin disperse clot or just make it stop getting worse? What happens if clot is not gone. Sorry for asking so many questions. I am actually on holiday in Isle of Man . Gonna ask to see cardiologist when I get home

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman

Warfarin will thin the blood so much that it will eventually get rid of the clot. Everyone I've spoken to says it is very effective. It's great that you are on holiday. Hope you are having a good time and remember the clot is being treated so enjoy your time away.👍

mickybman profile image

Thanks for your help.

mickybman profile image

Got some good news today clot has dispersed. I'm gonna get another echocardiograph in a month and cardiologist said he then intended to take me of warfarin. Are you getting echo soon?

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman

That's fantastic news! You must feel great. I have my echo next month. My ing numbers took ages to go over 2 so I'm on 9 mg of warfarin. I hope to get some good news too. Do you mind if I ask you what was the maximum mg of warfarin you were taking daily?

Hope you keep getting more and more good news. :)

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Yeah feeling much better I had been very anxious over last 8 weeks. My cardiologist did mention today that he had expected warfarin to help so hopefully you will be the same. They also told me clot had been big so even though I hope to get off it soon it does seem to be quite effective. Let me know how you get on.

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to mickybman

Warfarin was generally 6 or 7 mg but was 9 once or twice at beginning.

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman


Mine started at 5 and 6 but it has been 8 and 9 over the past 7 weeks. My highest ing has been 2.2

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman


I hope you are feeling good. Just an update about me. I had an echo earlier and UnfortUnately notgood news. The blood clot is still there, my ejection fraction is lower and the bit of my heart that was damaged is thickening. I feel really down. I have taken all the meds religiously and have been on a strict diet and doing cardio rehab and other exercises. This has really given me a knock just when I was starting to feel normal.

skid112 profile image
skid112Heart Star in reply to Sass121

hi Sass, so sorry to hear this, I know it's early days but what are your options here? Surgery to remove the clot any other meds they are considering?

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to skid112

I am supposed to see him end of October. The scan man was telling me not to worry about the EF much. He did show me the bit of the heart that's died and that freaked me out. I am thinking of this happened after 6 months what will be like in another 6!

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Feel really gutted for you. Has your cardiologist talked to you about what he plans now?

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman

Thank you. I'll see him at the end of the month. I've been on 9mg of warfarin for 5 months and clopdigoral. I was just hoping for a bit of good news to build on...

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Why do you have to wait until end of month? My cardiologist saw me after echo and actually came in as echo was being done on last one. I have a follow up this Thursday.

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman


Are you in London? That's amazing. That only happens here if I go private. I hope if they think I need to see him they would make it sooner.

I also hope all is going to be ok for you on Thursday.

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Thanks. I'm in lisburn, Northern Ireland

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Scan guy also showed me damaged part of heart and both him and cardiologist also said not to dwell too much on echo fraction.

skid112 profile image
skid112Heart Star in reply to mickybman

Hi Sass, It's a very resilient muscle, hopefully your consultant can help and give you a better idea if what to expect going forwards. From what I have read it's quite common after heart attacks to have damage and scar tissue

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to skid112

Thank you for your positive response. I am going to be positive too and keep working at it.

skid112 profile image
skid112Heart Star in reply to Sass121

Welcome and honestly we've all been in the down boat and needed help getting out

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Cardiologists secretary phoned me last Friday afternoon and said to stop warfarin. How are you keeping?

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman


I am so happy for you, that must be such a relief. I tried to do the same and am waiting to hear from the doctor. I wanted to ask you, following your HA was there any damage to your heart? That's the bit that's giving me the most sleepless nights.

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Yes there has been damage to my heart. Ejection fraction after attack was 36 and now is about 40. Was very active before but I've been doing cardio rehab, walking, cycling, swimming and yoga but not pushing as hard as I used to.

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman

The rehab has been good for me too and lessened the fear. I started tai chi last week and that was good. My e.g. went up 6 weeks after my HA but I think it's gone down or stayed the same...

We have to keep very active. I saw some recent research that showed a lot of excersise can reverse some of the damage to the heart.

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Moderate exercise is the key. I was told to keep hr no higher than 130 but beta blockers help keep the hr down and I've been exercising fairly strenuously at times.

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman

They stopped my beta blockers 4 weeks after my HA as my blood pressure was very low.

skid112 profile image
skid112Heart Star

Good news indeed hopefully sass gets good news too

Sass121 profile image

Thanks skid...i hope so. I want to stop worrying and get on with things.

mickybman profile image

How are things? Have you had echocardiogram?

Sass121 profile image


Yes I did on the 15th of September. And I was due to see the cardiologist October 25th but even before the scan they postponed my appointment until March 4th!! I am livid. Spoke to my go and he said he'll chase them up. I called the cardiologists secretary and she said the scan report has been sitting on the doctor's desk since 25th of September and he still hasn't looked at it. To make matters worse, the guy that did the scan kept showing me the part of my hard that has been damaged and said there was thickening and said my ef was lower than before. He didn't tell me about the blood clot. Just asked how long I had been taking warfarin and to keep taking it. I am sorry for the rant, just feel frustrated and very worried.

How are things with you. I hope you are feeling stronger with each passing day.

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Went for checkup scan 5 weeks ago and clot is back. Back on warfarin. Absolutely gutted

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman

Sorry to hear that mate. I am glad for your response though, I was worried when I didn't get a reply. My clot is still tgere and solid. My doctor wants me on warfarin and clopdigorel long term. They are basing my situation on a scan they did in september and I only saw the doctor in march. I know you're disappointed but it's better to know it's back and take tge meds...I think I will be on meds for life..

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Sorry I hadn't noticed post. Dr took me off clopidogrel and back on warfarin. I'm sort of assuming I will be on warfarin for life. Will be getting echo in couple of months as plan seems to be same as last time. Physically pretty good mentally not so!

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman

That's good then not having to take clopdigorel. Glad to hear you are feeling good physically. I guess tge mental side takes time. After a lot of research I went vegan in december and feel a lot bettee. Much more energy and feel I have got some control back. Had my heartiversary in january.

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

My heartversary was in March and I had been hoping I'd get a good scan and move on a bit but this happened just before it. My diet includes a lot of chicken fish etc. I've been swimming. Walking a lot , yoga and cycling but all below 130 hr, it's the 3 month wait for the next scan which worries me.

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman

It sounds like you are doing all the right things. Just go with how you feel physically...if you feel good, that's all that matters. I bet you are healthier now than you were before. The blood clot won't do anything...the warfarin will take care of it. How long ago you stopped clopdigorel?

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Stopped clopidogrel 5 weeks ago. Is it better that your clot is solid?

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman

Well the doctor said they know where it is. His concern was not for my heart but more about a stroke but they all feel the warfarin will take care of it.

Are you on any statins? My cholesterol is 4 and they still put me on statins..and epenerol...i hate all the medicine.

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Dr was worried about a stoke for me as well. Said same to me about warfarin as well. I'm on statins as well as a selection of others

barniecroft profile image
barniecroft in reply to Sass121


Have they sorted out the clot yet. Sounds like they are dragging their heels a bit. I guess the once consoling thought is that I'm sure they would speed things along if they thought it was critical. I believe the heart is very good at mending itself and i hope things work out

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to barniecroft


Thanks for your comment. I feel tgey are dragging their heels too. My scan was in september 2007 and I saw tge cardiologist in march 2018vand ge said the clot was still there. Of course I had been taking the warfarin and it had been 6 months sonce tge scan and I wondered if tge clot might have gone. He was adamant that I shoukd continue with warfarin and I have another scan scheduled for Feb 2019 and he is seeing me in March.

barniecroft profile image
barniecroft in reply to Sass121

Thats a long time to wait. I hope they Have they reassured you that the clot will not get any bigger. I can't imagine that they would just leave it if they thought it was not stable. Maybe in their experience they know that the clot in all probability will clear in that time. Some years ago I had a blood clot (leg and lung) and if i remember rightly the body breaks down clots itself (with help from warfarin)

mickybman profile image

How's things at present. I had scan about 6 weeks ago. Clot still there but reduced. I had been on warfarin and aspirin for months but they've now stopped aspirin . Gonna b on warfarin for life and due an echo in oct or November

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman


Glad to hear your clot has shrunk. How are you feeling generally?

I am due an echo in Feb and an appointment with cardiologist in March. I came off aspirin 4 months after my ha. On clopdigorel. I have to stay on warfarin for long time or life. I feel very frustrated as I think the doctors don't give me a straight answer or tgey don't listen.

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Physically feel good. Think I would be able to move on mentally if I could get rid of clot. After 1st clot I think they should have scanned me after 3 months and not 6! In hindsight should have stayed on warfarin after 1st clot as well.

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Had another echo 10 days ago. I had ask to see cardiologist after but not possible. She told me clot was same size as last scan. Phoned drs secretary and he is going to phone me when he gets all info from scan. What is current position with you? Is it possible for blood clot not to go away? Cardiologist said clots are more dangerous at the beginning. Have you got any info from your cardiologist regarding this?

Sass121 profile image

I am sorry to hear the clot is still there

It depends where in the heart it is.

I am scheduled for a scan in Feb and seeing cardiologist in March. I can't find any doctor commiting to any solid answers. An alternative practioner whom I trust and used to be a doctor told me the clot will eventually disappear and if it moves it will mimic an angina attack.

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Thanks. Apparently it's in damaged part of heart. Where you not keen to get an earlier echo?

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman

Same place as mine.

I couldn't have it done sooner as this was the earliest available appointment. I have been on Warfarin for 18 months and I hope by the time of the scan it's either gone or shrunk. The last scan I had was only 3 months after my warfarin start.

I am more concerened with my EF number.

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

What is your ef? How are you feeling physically?

Sass121 profile image

Ejection fraction.

Physically I feel better and fitter than before I had my heart attack. I am keeping active, lost a lot of weight and have been a vegan for almost a year.

How are you feeling physically?

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Meant what percentage is your ef. I'm pretty good physically. Swim, walk, yoga, bike and table tennis. Mentally not so good. My ef after ha was 36 then did echo for my hgv licence and it had to be above 40 to get it so they said between 40 and 45 I think.

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman

Myy Ef was 35 after heart attack but has been the same since last year at 45.

I think you are doing amazingly well with all the sports you're doing. I really need to do more. I do gym only one day a week but I try and walk a lot.

I think it can be difficult mentally knowing we have a blood clot but we are doing everything right and it's been ok. I like to think long term prognosis is good.

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Thanks. Think I could move on better if I could get rid of clot! Our cases seem very similar

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to mickybman

They are very similar. I hope your clot disappears soon. Please do keep me updated.

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

You too. Cheers

mickybman profile image
mickybman in reply to Sass121

Was wondering how things are with you. My clot doesn’t seem to want to go away! Had an echo where they also injected something into my blood stream to hopefully see more. Told me to still keep taking warfarin. Don’t see cardiologist until August so made an appointment with my doctor to see if I can get any more information. Physically speaking I’m good. How are you?

LEE0512 profile image

Hi , like yourself I had issues exactly a year ago ,03.06.18. The only difference being is that mine was a cardiac arrest and I am told I was officially dead for 7 minutes. However today , although I have six stents with furthers possible I am reasonably Ok . I am 57 years old , overweight with type 2 diabetes. I am on 9 different tablets everyday and some have side effects. I was back at work last year after 6 weeks recuperation. It does take some getting used to and occasionally I have periods when I worry and feel sorry for myself and this is to be expected after what we have been through. Just try and concentrate on the future and be thankful for what you have. You are stronger than you know.

Sass121 profile image
Sass121 in reply to LEE0512

Hi Lee

Thank you for your response.

I am so happy to know yiu are feeling better and moving on. I am trying to do the same.

I decided to takesome control and became vegan 18 months ago and feel a lot better. The lowest cholesterol I've ever had and feeling fitter. I hope things keep improving for all of us.

All the best

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