Firstly I apologise because I know the ‘do I have x’ posts can be annoying but I do intend to see my doctor soon!
I’ve had itchy, dry skin for some time. Most of the itchy areas are either aesthetically normal, or slightly hyperpigmented with a pinkish-brown shine to them. My elbows, neck, behind my ears, and sometimes other parts of my body get red and scaly often, with reddish bumps and a silvery appearance overlying the red. I also have a flaky scalp, and a white, scaly patch along each eyebrow. The only things which have so far had any meaningful effect on my skin issues have been T/gel shampoo, and Exorex coal tar lotion.
I also get flares during which a stinging, itching patch appears mostly under my left armpit which is very red and covered in silvery scales. It doesn’t smell at first but if I leave it untreated and the inflammation gets worse, it develops an almond-like scent. TMI, I know! In addition to this, I get flares of asymmetric joint pain, particularly in my right knee, right elbow, various fingers, and alternating ankle/just-above-the-heel areas. Generally this dies down after a few days but the most recent flare has left me with quite severe pain in my right wrist joint. The pain is not related to any injuries and fits RA pain but I’ve never had positive autoimmune screens. I have had long-standing minor nail issues particularly on my toenails which don’t appear to be fungal or injury related.
I do have other symptoms but I also have other conditions so it can be hard to discern if certain symptoms such as fatigue are due to one of these or related to the above!
Thank you to anyone who has read my post