Lonely: Loneliness can hit anyone it's... - Beyond Psoriasis

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Ginalboy profile image
13 Replies

Loneliness can hit anyone it's painful I know. Life can suck but got to keep fighting for the light to shine again. Maybe I should start a group and bring people together ??? Any thoughts or ideas on that would be appreciated.   

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13 Replies

Hi Ginalboy!

Loneliness is a tough one to crack. I think you're right, anyone can find themselves lonely these days. I really believe that the first step is admitting it .... some go into denial I'm sure & then go round in circles. But once you've identified the problem ... and it is just a common human problem like any other .... then you're primed to see any doors that are open, ready to seize opportunities and use your initiative.  

I felt lonely when I first moved to where I am now. And I suppose one thing that has helped is that I stopped looking for the 'perfect friends' and at the very least tried to exchange a few words with anyone & everyone. I now know quite a few people from different walks of life ... many of them I have very little in common with, but I enjoy chatting with them & it stops me becoming introspective.  Plus people know other people .... the more contacts you make the more likely you are to meet those who might become good friends. 

Ginalboy profile image
Ginalboy in reply to

That was a beautiful composed reply to my post. I admitted my loneliness and done something about it by posting on this forum and hence I am now talking to you. I have just moved to London and don't know a soul and will do as you say in your reply.

What part of the world do you now call home ?

in reply to Ginalboy

Ah well, currently in the process of moving from Shropshire to Norfolk ..... so it's all change at the moment.  London, wow.  I just love the place but I know that even the most sociable of young people can find it lonely there.  (I'm not assuming you're young, just that London's such a challenge for all in this respect, even those who you'd think would make friends very easily).

Are there any organisations or clubs etc. you could join?  I'd be inclined to join almost anything .... just to give the social life a bit of structure.   Do you have psoriasis or PsA or both?  And are there any patients' groups around if so?  Not that you necessarily want to build your social life around your condition but like I say .... any port in a storm!  

I hope you make some great friends in London, it'll happen!

Ginalboy profile image
Ginalboy in reply to


Have a very small bit of psoriasis on each knee that comes and goes not a problem compared to the sad stories I have read about. Yes I am young 57yrs Young :-) I think young and don't do old a trouper.

Will be researching clubs especially walking groups and fancy joining a yoga club. I don't drink which is a good thing.

So looking forward to the summer getting in the garden catching some rays and planting some veg.

Why Norlfolk ? You have a great spirit and no doubt will start making friends I just love what you said in your first reply to me, those words are the fundamental rules on how to succeed - your a legend :-)

in reply to Ginalboy

You're very welcome!  

Norfolk .... it's a long story really.  I've been here looking for somewhere to live for nearly a week, on my own apart from the dog (who has been a little darling, not a great conversationalist, obviously, but otherwise good company!) so the subject of loneliness is one I can relate to at the moment.

Hearing that you're a 57 year old youngster makes me think that my ideas, for what they're worth, may have some mileage.  One of the things I like about getting older is that people expect us to be casually chatty .... 

Your ideas sound great, I hope you find a yoga class soon & that the veg grows well!  

Ginalboy profile image
Ginalboy in reply to


Wow your a soldier in Norlfolk just you and the dog searching for you slice of the cake.

Are you looking for private rent or sheltered accommodation or to buy a place ?

My son lives in Norwich, small world. 

My next move will be to the coast to the sea sun and sand.  

Unfortunately I am a tinnitus sufferer and at the top end of suffering, it is a serious fight as been for 3 years. 

So not able to work due to being unreliable and some days debilitated.  

I wake up and appreciate I am still alive and take one day at a time.

The show must go on. 

in reply to Ginalboy

I have a son in London, perhaps we should swap sons!  

For any folks diagnosed with even severe PsA, it might be worth mentioning that 4 years ago getting as far as the bathroom was a major enterprise ... whereas now I can swan around town & clock up hundreds of driving miles with relative ease!  

Yep, we're looking to buy or maybe rent.  Potentially stressful of course.  Don't know why I say 'potentially', I'm stressed as hell already!  C'est la vie.   

Glad to hear that your psoriasis isn't too bad.  But severe tinnitus must be pretty tough at times.  I do agree, the show must go on!        

Ginalboy profile image
Ginalboy in reply to

Hiya switched on lady and cultured to say the least.  

Swap sons ?!!!!!  I think my son would either make you feel aghast or make you smile, he works full time at Hen nights, private parties anywhere that needs a Chippendale to brighten the mood.

The money is great so who am I to tell him to get a normal job not that he will listen. 

Do u mind if I ask what career you had. 

La vie eats belle. 

Ginalboy profile image
Ginalboy in reply to

La vie est belle. 

Not La vie eats belle ;-)

Ginalboy profile image
Ginalboy in reply to

How are you x

garfie profile image

I live in the states, Texas. I also get lonely at times. Would love to be your friend even from a distance and even if I may be much older than you!   Age doesn't make a difference!

Ginalboy profile image

Arrrh that's a nice reply thank you.

Can I email you ??

Ginalboy profile image

U ok ??

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