Does anyone else get ulcers on the mucous memb... - Behçet's UK
Does anyone else get ulcers on the mucous membrane lining of their nose, I do and they are very painful

Yes. I use Beconase hayfever nasal spray (beclometasone) to relieve this.

Thank you, I use it for the mouth ulcers and genital area, but these have only recently started and are SO painful . Will start now. Don't feel so alone now.
Yes me too and I use the same.
I think lots of us do and, yes, they are very painful indeed.
Same here. I was going to ask what you use but will try the Beconase hayfever spray for the next outbreak.
you know this website is amazing. I've been suffering with a nasal ulcer this week and my husband uses these nasal sprays and had a brand new unused one..... manna from heaven. Thx ladies xx
Yes my daughter, son and myself all have them. My daughter also has them in her sinus so the doctors think. So painful and they seem to last longer. Does anyone have problems with nose bleeds? Good luck.
Yes to ulcers and yes to bleed and yes to sinusitis and all from Behcet's. I have Nasonex nasal spray and previous used Fulticasone.
Thank you all, yes nose bleeds as well.
Yes to ulcers in the nose, and nosebleeds too. Never thought to use the beclometasone, but will get it right away.
Oooh, I forgot to say, one of my ulcers got a bit big for it's boots and made a hole in the septum between nostrils. If I could only get the fingering right I could play you a tune
After speaking and listening to quite a few fellow sufferers, I think this must be quite a common problem. I have suffered from nasal ulcers and nose bleeds since I was a teenager.
Ok, here goes, another secret laid bare.... What about very sore lumps in ears that eventually burst (oh the relief when they do!), or am I just being greedy with yet another complaint? ( Devonshiredumpling we could always start a band with all the whistles wheezes and odd sounds our bodies make, thankyou for making me laugh.). Wishing everybody a good day, keep smiling it makes people wonder what you've been up to!
Yes I get lumps in my ears - the pressure is almost unbearable sometimes.
And as for you DD, have you forgotten my talent or are you deliberately excluding me from this band? You know all about my talent with wind instruments

I thought you should let your own wind blow free m'dear - far be it for me to steal your thunder

In fact, I think it's best all round to stay down wind of your thunder
You are all WONDERFUL , thank you. From a lumpy, bumpy mass of inflammation. Xxxx
Nasal spray containing steroids will also help ears and reduce deafness or tinnitus.
Thank you all I will get onto the nasal spray. My ears ring loud all the time. I hate it. They even have their own screaming tune. My daughter doesn't complain of this yet. When you explain the lump burst do you have muck in the ear. My son has a huge amount of yuk in left ear. This is only when he has sores up nose and on the same side.
The 'spots' start off as a very tender hard lump, variable in size, stay like this for some days, they then rupture and discharge pus, then bleed, and become an open lesion. Once they rupture the pain is alleviated. Sometimes after rupture they don't fully 'empty' and become a 'blind' lump again. Yes they generally occur when I have the more ulcer like lesions in my nose or other areas, also always seem to be accompanied by sore throat and headache on side of sores. I rarely have them in both ears at once or both nostrils at the same time. The ear lumps make sleeping with my head laying on that side impossible. I must say that this type of lump often appears at most other places on my body. I call them 'blind' lumps because until the point of rupture they don't actually have a 'head' on them, they are really quite like cysts under the skin of variable size. Until they are actually 'open' treating is hard, they are def' different to what happens in my mouth, nose and more personal areas. However, I have had in my nose and personal areas, 'blind' lumps and ulcers appearing concurrently. Hope this helps, I confess I am guilty of trying to get the lumps in accessible areas to bursting point more quickly by applying cotton wool soaked in as hot water as I can stand on the area, (old wives trick for boils) it actually relieves the pain a little, but doesn't seem to lessen the life of the lumps. Sometimes a topical local anaesthetic application helps, for example a cream like Lanocane. It just eases them a bit. But for the actual ulcers the inhaler sprays are best. Good luck in getting help with them.
Yes to the nose ulcers, nose bleeds, and ear lumps! I know exactly what you mean about the relief once they "pop".
The worst nose ulcers are like the one I have right now. It's a bit higher up in there and so I can't put anything on it. But it makes me miserable with all the swelling and pressure.
Thank you for sharing, hope you are better soon. X
Just reading all of the above. Haven't had them in the ears thank goodness.
Back to the nasal passage. The ENT department of RPA hospital put a camera up my nose and everyone including myself had a good look and couldn't see any lesions. Never the less I still get the bleeding and crusting and can usually 'cure' them with topical steriods (just wondering if it was a little split in the skin?). Haven't had one lately come to think of it by will try the nasal spray next time
Hi I have persistent nasal septal ulcers too, and chronic sinusitis. I once even submitted to the ENT stitching a temporary silicone dressing over each ulcer. Eeek! it wasn't successful & they fell off before they could be of use.
Have also tried Chlorsig ointment...useless & toxic.
Have tried Bactroban...also very but is only a temporary fix as ulcers return.
Salt from Netipot sachets mixed with a little water & appled brings relief but only temporary (I agree they are painful & crust up all the time)
I will try Beconase next time..thanks for idea.
I also get the ear lumps!
Yeah, get the ear lumps and, no matter how painful,spend an inordinate amount of time trying to get them to pop, although I have never succeeded!
I've also suffered lot of nose bleeds. A couple of times have needed the ENT to cauterise some blood vessels responsible for major bleeds. They just use a chemical on a swabstick to do this.
I do still get small amounts of blood that seems to go along with the chronic nasal septal ulcers.
Yes, likewise to both of these. It was the GP who cauterised my nose there and then in the surgery. I was a bit shocked to say the least.
As for the septum - my ENT surgeon said I could look forward to losing blood from that area for the rest of my life basically. For some reason they never fully heal - so the hole will never close and I suppose the edges of it remain raw. It rarely bleeds heavily, although that does happen sometimes. Mostly it's just like a skidmark of blood on a tissue. Pain in bum more than anything else.