Can anyone tell me if the acne like lesions with Behcet's are infiltrated with hard, grainy kind of white substance vs more fluid liquid? The spots on my face, neck, chest back swell and then break open forming an ulcer but it seems every pore inside that lesion has a hard plug. And they hurt and itch. I fell like they wont heal until the plugs clear out. So frustrating. Thank you!
Question about Behcet's acne type lesions - Behçet's UK
Question about Behcet's acne type lesions
Yes - pretty good description of many that I get. Particularly on my scalp.
Would be ok but running out of hair. 😉
I’ve had the same over the years. From reading many articles I’ve come up with the following opinion ...
Granuloma strictly means grain and what you are seeing are the end results of the immune system attacking something. The body can produce pus for a number of reasons e.g. an infection, or in our case, getting rid of debris (which is incredibly painful). In my case I can often see a line of acne like lesions which turn out be a dead vein or in a couple of cases a small artery. A doctor has since agreed with me that it is essentially a line of abscesses. Sometimes the offending lesions are deep below the surface and the small lesion you see with the granuloma is just the tip of the iceberg. Hope this helps a bit. Lesley