Has anyone tried and had luck with an anti-inf... - Behçet's UK

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Has anyone tried and had luck with an anti-inflammatory diet or a gluten-free diet?

Rose138 profile image
12 Replies
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Rose138 profile image
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billi profile image

No neither of these but......about 6 years ago after a stomach bleed plus loads of tummy probs, many wrong diagnosis etc etc. a friend suggested I look to my diet. Now I was under a nutritionist at the time who agreed that my diet per say was very good but we were tweeting bits to try and find my problem.......all to no avail. My friend suggested cutting out bread, I did and within a month I noticed I was in far less pain, no more waking up in the night screaming with pain. I did a few investigations of my own and eventually realised it wasn't the bread per say or the flour but......YEAST!!! So I cut it out of my diet completely, not an easy task as if you look on the labels of our everyday staples the contain yeast or yeast extract. Anyway I di this for 4 years and no more stomach pains, no more bloating, no more weight gain and I felt much fitter. This last year I have stArted to eat bread occasionally and I'm still good. Recently had endoscopy and colonoscopy and all was good, no ulcers not sign of any damage. I continue to keep my weight stable, am less lethargic and my BD symptoms are being reasonably kept at bay. Don't know if this is of any help and although I didn't check with any doctors and just followed my own instinct I wouldn't advise this, I'm just telling my story.

Good Luck and I'm sure you will get many more answers.

Hugs and Smiles


Rose138 profile image
Rose138 in reply to billi

What a wonderful account of how you've been helped, Billi. I will keep this in mind about the yeast/yeast extract. Thank you for sharing your story.

london_pete profile image

Yes. On recommendation of consultant coordinating my treatment, I tried a gluten-free and lactose-free diet. I was also tested for coeliac disease, and although that came back negative, I found cutting out gluten a big help. Dr thought that food intolerances were fairly common among Behçets patients. Benefits have been a much happier stomach and less tiredness.

Rose138 profile image
Rose138 in reply to london_pete

I'm officially giving gluten-free and dairy-free a try. Thanks for your input. Glad you're feeling better since eating this way.

Rose138 profile image

Thanks for the insight. Helpful.

missrosiex profile image

I'm very allergic to wheat,horrible bloaty tummy etc! :( Before I was diagnosed with behcets my wheat intolerance was so bad,but I was just diagnosed with IBS and told to cut wheat out,since being diagnosed,one of my consultants said its a very common occurrence in people with behcets.Since I haven't eaten wheat,my stomach problems have been a lot better.I've also found that greasy foods aren't good on my stomach either,generally following an IBS diet my gastric problems are a million times better :)

nurse_ratchet profile image

Hi Rose,

I have to agree with the majority above about gluten free diet. I have done so approx 3-4 yrs ago and noted a dramatic difference in my 'tummy attacks' where I would end up on the floor writhing in pain for hours. Had these since I was a child and was told I had IBS, that I was lactose intolerant, that I had bad gas and all sorts of different reasons by different doctors. I realized also that the skin sores and eruptions nearly came to a halt when going gluten free. I did note too a decrease in my headaches/migraines which was all too convincing for me to stick to this diet. If I ever cheat, I pay BIG time! It's all the proof I need:) You may want to check out a book called "The Wheat Belly". A very interesting read about the effects of wheat. I most recently gave up dairy milk and have switched to 'nature's own almond milk' , my 19 yr old son likes it too which surprises me. I mostly use it in cooking and with cereal. I've researched anti inflammatory foods and try to consume as much as possible on a regular basis. Ex: pineapple , plums, beets, red cabbage etc. I will sometimes put these in a juicer and just drink it-so good!

Good luck to you:)


Rose138 profile image
Rose138 in reply to nurse_ratchet

Thanks for all of these tips. I'm going to look into getting the book and am motivated now more than ever to watch my diet. So glad it helps you.

Lara1 profile image

I agree with all the above. Just one question to all - do you eat cereal while on a gluten free diet? Is it gluten-free cereal that you look for?

I find it hard to give up bread and pastry but most of all cereal. I still have not been able to find a good replacement of all of these foods for breakfast. Suggestions desperately needed!

Many thanks!


Rose138 profile image
Rose138 in reply to Lara1

Hi, Lara1. It's hard to give up goodies that I'm used to so I feel your pain. I went to the bakery to place an order for a cake and didn't eat one pastry as I'm trying to see if gluten-free living helps and it was so difficult to do. I'd advise a gluten-free cookbook or resource book to get the ball rolling as this helped me. Best of luck.

runninggirl08 profile image

Hey rose...I just started my gluten free, dairy free journey a few ago....I've really noticed a difference this week in that I have more energy and some of my symptoms r improving. I am currrently reading the wahls protocol..I think Dr Wahl is pretty on target for what we can do to alleviate autoimmune symptoms. I'm not paleo at this time...but may have to go there if symptoms persist. I'm only on imuran..have been free of prednisone and pain meds for 9 months. Good luck in our journey

Rose138 profile image

Hi, runninggirl08. Glad you are doing better on a gluten free, dairy free diet. I think it's helped me, too, when I'm on it. For two months straight I was really careful with how I ate and stayed on this diet and I felt really good and could even think more clearly (no brain fog). It's hard to stay on it, but worth it.

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