I am on month 5 (almost 6!) of the Depo injection and I am having problems with irregular bleeding. My GP has prescribed me 9 continuous weeks of the combined pill which they say will stop the bleeding and I should be fine after that. Has anyone ever been on the injection and taken the combined pill at the same time to stop bleeding?
Depo Contraceptive Injection : I am on month 5 (almost... - BASHH
Depo Contraceptive Injection
I had this problem when I was a teenager. I had a full cycle for 3-4 months .. I didn’t take them combined because I just wanted the shot to leave my body . So I got off birth control completely til the depo left my body
Hello, slightly different combo of drugs, but same strategy, so it is a thing! Hope it works for you.
I had the contraceptive arm implant put in a few months after giving birth, with the plan to never get a period ever again (way too much blood and cramping). Unfortunately when I stopped breastfeeding the bleeding came back, nowhere near as heavy but I was bleeding every other week for three months. The sexual health clinic gave me the combined pill to take continuously, keeping the implant in (most effective against pregnancy). They said to do 3 months then pause for 2 weeks to see if that kick-started my body’s no-bleed response to the implant. Reaching the end of the pill packet, I missed a couple of pills this week and had horrendous bloating and some spotting. Given this, I think I’ll just continue on implant + continuous pill for now. It makes me sad but is objectively not that much of a hassle. I’ll go back to the sexual health clinic after the summer as I can’t face more health admin right now. The sexual health clinic seemed much more knowledgeable than any of the random different gps I saw at my local surgery, would recommend.
Best of luck!