had unprotected sex with my girlfriend on 15th of feb 2019 which we tested for hiv 1 & 2 which both came negative before the intercourse.....after the intercourse 5days i started experiencing malaise ,stiff neck , tingling, burning & needle pains (join & muscle pain) in the legs which later progressed to my arm & fingers two weeks after i developed swollen lymph nodes in my groin area & very itching like on my buttocks which looked like little blisters....4 weeks i had three pimple on my penis & am having a dry skin which is making my skin very sensitive to light & am having 4 ulcer sore on my head which are not painful but itching.....at 8 weeks I tested for HBV, HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia & syphilis all come back negative....could this be HSV 1&2 or Hepatitis C cause am also having limbs pains
i been having all this symptoms for 8weeks now.......Please help