Hi I’m Marina: Hi all I’m Marina and from the... - Baby and Us

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Hi I’m Marina

9 Replies

Hi all

I’m Marina and from the South of England. We have a little girl called Florence who has just turned two.

We were diagnosed with unexplained infertility. I have PCOS but still ovulating so they didn’t class this as a problem. We got a BFP with our first round but sadly ended in a missed miscarriage. Our second round was FET and resulted in Florence. Thankfully the journey for us was fairly quick compared to other people.

All through pregnancy though I had terrible anxiety and wouldn’t believe she would make it safely into the world. Also didn’t help when I had two bleeds at 6 weeks and 6+4 weeks. Thankfully I had an easy pregnancy after that.

Florence has been an amazing child. The easiest baby and I have never felt so relaxed. Now is a slightly different story as she is becoming her own person 😂 but it’s also fun and interesting.

We have been trying naturally since August for number two but so far nothing. Not sure when to embark in another FET or whether we can afford it or whether it’s worth it as this last embryo won’t be as good as the first two. Just praying it will happen naturally 🤞🏻.

Anyway this is Florence after doing some crafts at the weekend making a crown 👸🏻

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9 Replies
Tugsgirl profile image

Hey Marina 👋🏻 Lovely picture of your LG.

Hubby has suggested, at some point, that we try naturally too (although we have to do at home insemination because he’s disabled) but I haven’t had a period now since November 2018 due to pregnancy and breastfeeding! We’ve got our two embryos left which I’d prefer to try but financially we can’t really afford to go down that route. Can’t say I have much hope for ttc naturally when I never saw a bfp in two years of trying that way but hey ho, nothing to lose. I certainly won’t get hung up on it like I used to, not now we have our little miracle rainbow baby xx

in reply to Tugsgirl

I don’t hold out much hope either. Not sure why but just have that feeling.

I’m trying not to get too hung up on it either but I’m finding it really hard when you know your due on not to hope. This is the first time in years my periods have been regular and then last month (the first using ovulation sticks just to check I was ovulating) I was bloody two days later than “normal”- typical!

I’m quite happy with just Florence but I think it’s the not knowing if we will have another that’s hard and of course would love for her to be a big sister as I think she would be great but what will be will be I guess xx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to

I understand xx

Foodie23 profile image

Hi Marina and welcome to Baby and Us! Thank you for sharing your experience with infertility and pregnancy loss with us. I'm sure you'll find many people in this group who will be able to relate to your journey.

Anxiety in pregnancy after infertility and pregnancy loss is extremely common. I experienced it myself. Through most of my pregnancy it felt like it wasn't quite real. I was very scared he wouldn't actually make it into my arms and that I wouldn't be able to cope with that loss. That experience and the difficulty I had emotionally and with my mental health after Leo was born was what really led me to find a way to connect us all. I didn't want anyone else to have to go through a similar experience feeling alone.

Your daughter is so adorable and I absolutely love this picture! I hope you realize your dreams of expanding your family. And in the meantime, I wish you lots of joy and laughter with your family just the way it is. :-) Xx

in reply to Foodie23

Thank you- love this idea too. So helpful and wish it was around ages ago xx

romaluna2015 profile image

Oh what a little beauty Florence is xx

in reply to romaluna2015

Thank you 💕 xx

MissSaoPaulo profile image

I love this photo 😍

in reply to MissSaoPaulo

She’s shouting CHEESE!!! 🤣 xx

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