Okay so this morning I i woke up and went to the bathroom and when I wiped blood was on the tissue but now like period blood it was dry and dark brown and I’ve only at 3 hours today when I woke there really nothing on the tissue my period are usually always heavy when they first start like ever since I started
Update : Okay so this morning I i woke up and... - Baby and Us
Like you said, it could be the implantation bleeding - it can be like a spotting. The dry and brown the way you describe it and the fact it lasted only for a while - I'm quite positive it's implantation. However, there's no way to say for sure just yet. You can do an HPT right away anyway but it's best to wait till you miss your AF for 2 days at least. If checked early you'll get a false positive and negative emotions are not welcomed when you're on TTC. Just relax be optimistic and count the days for now. I know it's not very comforting but I'd recommend it anyway. Wish you get a BFP soon - you've got all my luck on your side. Do update me about the pregnancy test result when you get one.
Okay I am still spotting off and on idk what to thank about it
Did you get a pregnancy test done? If yes what does that say? If no you should do one immediately. Infrequent spotting can be both normal and abnormal but first, you need to know and be sure if you're pregnant.
I took 5 about 3 weeks ago and 2 came out caint positive so I went to the doctor and got a blood test and it came back negative but my period is 1 month and 13 days late and I’m spotting off and on but I haven’t spotted for about 7 hours
Beta is accurate and very rarely (almost never) does it gives a false negative. You're certainly not pregnant if beta says so - or let's just assume that for now. Missing AF for a month is okay but not with spotting and cramps unless you're pregnant. Sorry, but the symptoms sounds like that of PCOS if you feel cramps near your ovary region or some hormonal imbalance could also do that. Get your Hormones levels checked and hopefully that will be able to give you some clear answers. Also, an ultrasonography will be helpful to detect the cause. Do not delay it any further hoping that you could be pregnant... beta is seldom wrong and if it's a condition that requires treatment the sooner the better. Take care!
Up date I have officially stopped my spotting and I have no cramps IM SO CUNFUSED I DONT KNOW WHt to do I haven’t spot OVER 24 hours