At what time do you get up/go bed? Do you nap du... - Ataxia UK
At what time do you get up/go bed? Do you nap during the day?
I usually go to bed around 2/2-30 am and I am back up around 8am. I don't sleep well really, and don't nap during the day unless I have a migraine. I do find however when I go back visiting at home (Scotland) I do sleep that bit longer and easier for some reason
Hope this helps
I have a routine where I normally get up out of bed at approximately 9am. After breakfast I sometimes sit and watch, 'The Wright Suff' on channel 5. If the weathers ok then I'll go for a run on my mobility scooter to the town centre where I have a coffee at Subway. When I get back and after a bit lunch I sometimes go and lie down on my bed and watch more telly. Usually at this point I feel a bit tired and sometimes drift off to sleep for about an hour. At night I am usually in bed reading a book about 10pm. Very seldom do I suffer fatigue symptoms but when I do I just let it grip and fall asleep.
I normally go yo bed 11pm ish, I get up around 7-8am. I get tired throughout the day which is heightened because i have a defiency in vitamin D. Sometimes tiredness takes over and i just need a 30-40 minute power nap.
Keep well!
Go to bed about 11.Read for a while.Sleep like a log with lots of noise inmy sleep apparently.Get up between 8 and 9,husband makes my breakfast and then goes off to work.I do gardening or pottering around in the morning and then go out exploring on my scooter.i dont have a nap although I never have.I make tea,watch Neighbours,have my tea and then do something sedentary for the evening as i can no longer walk around and then at 11 go to bed.
It is important to do something relaxing and nice for our mental health.Everything takes longer to do so I build it into my day.I like going out on my scooter for two hours .I find it relaxing altjhough lately it has rained!!

Hello Red Bertie
I go to bed around 10pm and sleep waking once. Alrhough I get tired during the day I try not to sleep because I don't want to interfere with my nightime sleep pattern. That said I do rest., Due to having animalds I get up at 6.30
Take care
I go to bed at about 7.30 to 8.00 by this time I'm shattered I watch tv for a while but always fall asleep before the end. Then there is a pattern of sleep for two to two and a half hours and then I have to get up and walk around to relieve cramps and stiffness and so it goes on all night every night I then get up at about 6.00 6.30 I dare not sleep during the day but I do rest.
loopylainy xx
i go to bed abt 9pm and i do have problems getting up in the morning and i do sleep in the afternoon ive been told i can sleep for england lol
I have phases of sleeping a lot, ie bed by 2am sleep until 11am, up for breakfast and medications and asleep by 1pm for an hour, awake until 5.30pm sleep until 7pm then awake until 2am. My body just seems to take over and sleep whether in a chair or in bed. Recently this pattern has changed again and i have the after medicatioon dose but no furtehr sleep until I go to bed for the night, I am 65 and have always been a night owl, and I still do my best written work around midnight.
I always need extra rest if I have had any activity/or big outing.
I greatly benefit from lying down on, or in, bed and lying with my eyes closed for at least half an hour each day. This just sets me up for the next part of the day and I get so much more energy.
We are all individual and I have learned(the hard way) that I have to listen to what my body needs as well as pacing myself. Only then have I enough energy for the people I want to meet and chat with, as well as participate in activites outwith the home.
Best wishes
Hi red_bertie, I sometimes go to bed at 10.00 pm depends if there's anything good on telly. Every day I have a 2 Hr siesta (I'm usually tired by then). Lately I sleep in, getting up later than usual. I'm in Spain & I think the heat tires me.
keep well x
,i have FA and have grown accustomed to feeling permanently exhausted - i sleep a lot (typically 11pm - 10am) . I can't nap during the day, though.
Hi, i'm new to this discussion and have only just been diagnosed properly with episodic ataxia with partial seizures, after 8 years! I am up at 6.45, in bed by 11.30/12.00 but, i too, find that i have to relax or lie down a lot during the day to re-charge my batteries, or at least sit with my head resting back onto the sofa....weird but it does help me and I don't want to be horizontal too much of the time, in a vertical world. The exhaustion, i have to say, is unbelievable for anyone to understand unless you have this. (brings a new meaning to "keep your chin up")
I get up at 7.15 in the morning ;
then I make the breakfast for the wife and self;
twice a week I have physical therapy ( in the town not far away);
usually we have dinner around 1 o´clock (which kindly prepares my wife);
after tydying up the kitchen we have a 20 minutes´ nap;
ever since we were married we have tea in the afternoon;
We usually turn in by midnight