How do people cope with medical assessments? - Ataxia UK
How do people cope with medical assessments?
Hi Iain
I assume you mean for ESA?I have been informed I do not need to go for a medical assessment at the moment so can't help you on this one.
At the moment I qualify for some benefits but have heard nothing about assessment. I have just been looking on the government website and am rather worried. I have been ploughing through this booklet. They say they want feedback but you only have till 30th April 2012! The points system starting on page 9 is rather worrying.
Hello Iain
I have not heard anything yet. I'm trying not to think about it
until I have to. I will keep you informed..
Kind regards
Thanks for all the feedback. I hope I haven't cast any doubt and worry on your mind Litty. I didn't mean to. I personally find it very hard to trust people especially if they don't see me as the genuine person I really am.
My preferred GP from my local practice retired recently and I will find it very hard trying to find a trusting replacement.
ESA is exacltly what I am talking about Harriet but only as an example. I've had too many medical professionals telling me there is nothing wrong or can't find anything wrong with me. If I'm to be assessed by medical practitioners who don't even know me who posibally also don't have any experience in ataxia conditions then how can I trust their judgements? I need them to trust me but I fear ignorance. I feel intimidated and frightened.
No. It is OK, i was thinking about the new system coming in, so it was good to read about the theory behind it.
I HATE all medical assessments. Even if you know and trust your GP it is depressing being reminded about everything.
Even though the appointments take a long time, I do go to the London Ataxia Centre because they specialise in ataxia, and understand.