guardsmen Lee
How are you doing any improvement with your condition are you any better?
guardsmen Lee
How are you doing any improvement with your condition are you any better?
Good afternoon Paul my apologies for late reply I only just seen your message. I don’t want to bring the mood down but been on my chin strap for a while mate I had a cardiac arrest and needed stent fitted I then spent 5 months in neuro rehab because of seizures. But I’m walking now with a 4 wheeler with a seat only around the house but it’s a start. Got to keep our chin up pal we’ve been through too much to surrender.
Take care my friend
Wow you have had it bad know wonder I haven’t seen any posts for a while, I really hope life gets better as time goes on summer is nearly here which helps me a bit with the lighter mornings and nights and hopefully a bit of sun.
You take care my friend and keep fighting as you did in the military although it is a invisible enemy now.
Stay strong.