Does any body know the exact meaning of this terminology in the context of a follow up brain scan.
The consultants letter stated that there were no pathological enhancements on the most recent scan and she found this reassuring.
Many thanks.
Does any body know the exact meaning of this terminology in the context of a follow up brain scan.
The consultants letter stated that there were no pathological enhancements on the most recent scan and she found this reassuring.
Many thanks.
🙂 I would find this reassuring..nothing untoward visible
I have confirmed cerebellar ataxia. This was a brain scan with contrast compared with my original scan taken 6 years ago I am concerned because my symptoms ie stiffness seem to have got much worse.
🙂 I’ve had an MRI with contrast..and nothing other than the initial mild Cerebellar Atrophy was found. My first MRI was in 2011..the one with contrast 2014… but it wasn’t requested by a Neurologist. I’d had chemo, and the Oncologist wanted to check it hadn’t caused additional atrophy.
My symptoms have progressed too..I have most general ataxia symptoms, including stiffness and pain. Stretching does help with’s my knees causing pain, and I’ve been given basic stretching exercises by a Physio.
I use a walking stick ( I also have a rollator) to help me balance, it gives confidence when balance and eye problems cause uncertainty.
I would agree with wobblybee. Reassuring in one sense, as anything that could be seen is unlikely to be good news. But frustrating too, as there is nothing to explain your deteriorating symptoms. CA is a progressive condition so you probably would expect things to get worse over time. I have CA with clear MRI scans. My symptoms have deteriorated over 6 years, and dramatically over the last 12 months. Good luck!
I was interested by the wording of your post.
I had an MRI with Gadolinium contrast before Christmas. All supposed to be so safe if Glomerular Filtration Rate is normal, but I have really suffered since.
Took weeks for me to get examined, and that was after 111 directed me to A&E as nobody was wanting to follow up. Then A&E said symptoms were a flare of existing connective tissue disorder.
What I'm experiencing stiffness of tendons, sponginess of flesh, dried out mouth and bone pain were not things I had before the scan.
There is a research group in Albuquerque New Mexico USA who are being funded to look into Gadolinium toxicity. I don't know of any research of this kind being supported in the UK.
Haven't a clue where to go - as there is no incentive for anyone to help me out..