Hi everyone, I did mention that I would write about my experience in using the Balance socks. I have been using them for a month. The verdict is YES.
I had to wear the socks day and night for 2 weeks - before they started working - I can walk longer - I can walk straighter without banging on walls - I have not fallen for 3 weeks(I used to fall once week) - I am trying to walk with a stick, instead of walker.
The socks use HPT - Human Performance Technology - contact with HPT creates a neural response in the brain stem that helps improve mobility and balance.
As far as I know that people with ataxia have to keep reeducating their brain with constant exercise to keep mobile - HPT helps here.
Side effects during the first 2 weeks - burning sensation in feet - heaviness in feet - headaches a few times - walking practice 3 times a day even with pain - all this so I could reeducate my brain.
Now its a question of carrying on with the HPT and see what happens in 6 months.
To Heathunlocked
The healthunlocked forum is not a forum for me to advertise the Balance Socks - But if anyone would like to know more how can they contact me - so I can give the company name and sales person telephone.
Thank you