I have been attending a GROUP in Havering for a few months now and find it very sociable and love going there,I would like to invite anyone else in the Havering area to join the GROUP....If you are INTERESTED ,reply to this.
Group....: I have been attending a GROUP in... - Ataxia UK
yes, great to hear and if you are not in that area, refer to Ataxia UK.org for a group near to you. NAF for other countries ataxia.org/
where is Havering? excuse my ignorance only half Brit....NORTH WEST, south I suppose.I AM JONING THE GROUP perhaps online as the lockdown now and who knows when meeting takes place and when safe? I am happy go lucky individual, rather avoiding face to face contact.suits me best.have sca 2.my bro in SLOVAKIA has it as well, but much milder, he is 46, I am 43 and our entry to 40 is ataxia time....hereditary. my paternal grandma suffered with it, but developed alcoholism, as ashamed of it, masked with drinking. my pa in her boots, went as well.he was a LOW RANKED POLICEMAN, not affected his cognition....HAD A SIMILAR Q. FOR MY NEUROLOGIST, instant cure by him ONLY A NEW MRI SCAN CAN CONFIRM, ha ha ha NOT ON YOUR NELY WILL I EVER experience this mri scan a mix of psychedelikc 70s, with nuclear alarm, woodpecker tapping my head..DESPITE MY EAR PLUGS...