Hi, as many of you know I recently did a camping holiday in Italy. I was extremely anxious beforehand, which my last post was about.
Anyway the camping holiday was fabulous. We had a really great time. Once I'd spent the first night in our little tent the anxiety just dissipated.
The weather wasn't too good, but due to weather forecasts on the internet we changed our itinerary to avoid the places where it was raining all day.
Crawling in and out of the tent posed a challenge, but I managed it with no mishaps! Thank goodness I took my wee pot, otherwise I really couldn't have managed. I think I'm definitely going to invest in a she wee now as I really can't squat over public loos, and in the morning I really can't hold it in.
I loved sleeping in the tent, but didn't put my head out, to look at the stars. We were warm and snuggly in the tent and didn't need all the extra sleeping bags, hats etc that I took with us.
However, that doesn't mean that the weather was fine!! I think climate change is really starting now. There was so much rain all over Italy and it wasn't warm either. My skirts and summer dresses never came out of the case!!
But it didn't really matter about the weather, as I said, we avoided places with rain and were town visiting, not beach holidaying anyway. Beaches are now a complete nightmare for me.
Naples was interesting. Quite frightening until we got used to it. In the small streets of the Spanish sector, mopeds whizz past you, weaving out of the people and parked cars. They passed me in my wheelchair with only an inch to spare. But once we got used to that and realised that the really weren't going to hit us, it was great. Naples seems to have a driving rule all of it's own - drive where and how you want, but give way to everyone including pedestrians.
For anyone else considering camping holiday, I would recommend it, but with good support, and try to think about all the possible difficulties beforehand to plan for them.
Thanks everyone for your support at a time beforehand of high anxiety.
Have a good week everyone
Alison xx