I am lucky. I can walk, with my sturdy rollator, or in deserted places just holding my spouse's hand- a massive change from 15 months ago. Or even 4 months ago. I still have the extreme limitations that many of us here have and it can vary. I was taking supplements for just a couple of weeks recently and became quite 'perky' but then became horribly sluggish and floppy, the culprit- soy. About to start the supplements again. I need other exercise than walking, I have bought a Rosemary Conley CD and am expecting it to be sensible, there is a chair based set of exercises on it, will let you know if good. I have a static bike (OMGoodness, I hate pedaling, going nowhere) My question, are all treadmills cushioned underfoot? I will have to buy a second hand fold up one (money/space) but how can you tell? I cannot be driven around to sample them. I already have correct shoes and squishy insoles. Any insights, please? Ps, exercise helps me but actually being outside, walking, helps my balance generally. Pic is of somewhere we can visit sometimes, nice squishy ground, empty of moving objects, beautiful..
Treadmill info, please? And a little ramble abou... - Ataxia UK
Treadmill info, please? And a little ramble about how it is, now.
I agree about being outside, it has many benefits.
About 4 years ago I bought some cheap Nordic poles and used them to retrain my legs, hips and pelvic area into a wider gait and longer strides.
Just recently I had a tia (small stroke) and had to use crutches and a wheelchair. As quick as possible I used the poles. The muscle memory kicked in and I’m back to walking my two miles a day.
Am seriously thinking of asking my GP for exercise prescription to try out local gym and treadmill.
I have a static bike which I can ride in front of the telly.
But going out has to be most important for me to avoid getting stuck at home.
Great outlook! We are hoping to move to a quiet suburban area so I can walk on pavements, maybe I'll start using sticks there again, just too unsafe on small roads here without a sturdy independent support. I am out 2-3 times a day recently, just a mile each time, recording and listening to birdsong. This is a very new distraction but interesting to me. Nothing like fresh air and a purpose. We can be referred to a local gym, strongly recommend you try, ours is too busy and transport too difficult for me to benefit much. I used to love the rowing machine, which would still be safe enough now. Needs must, we have to do what we can.
Hi i find the treadmill difficult due to balance issues. Walking was hard because it made my back ache. This was because i needed to develop longer strides to stretch the muscles (simple explanation!). To do this I started going to aqua aerobics which is helping with my walking, pain, balance and core. The class is mixed with the oldest woman in her eighties. People follow as little or as much of the exercises as they can. Best bit is having flotation aids and you can't fall and hurt yourself. Worth looking into a local gym for this as the pools are smaller. Even a taxi to one 1 x times a week will help. Good luck!
Thank you! Great idea, nearest pool is at least 40 mins away, in a very bustling environment, hoping to move house this year so life might be easier and more interesting. Still very unsafe with people moving around but it sounds very tempting. Floating sounds very attractive. I am hoping the side arms of the treadmill could be grabbed or used as a visual guide. I used to use one. I have run on a beach, stopping was dangerously dodgy...I find going faster is more stable. I am sorry you are in pain, that can colour everything. I will remember this suggestion, you are right, even once a week would help (everything).