My name is Trisha. I am 46. I was diagnosed in 2014 with spino cerebellar ataxia (inherited).
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Hi Trish,
Welcome to this Forum, I am sure you will find very interesting information here.
I have machado-joseph Disease (cerebelar ataxia) SCA3. I am 63 and was diagnosed in 2012 although I had been having mobility problems for the last 10 years. I am sure you will get lots of advice here. My advice is to keep all your muscles strong by exercising them. You may like to read this blogue . After reading this a following his advice I have improved. I am still walking around unaided. Keep positive, count your blessings, focus on all the things you are able to do, not on those you can no longer do.
Best wisahes,
Good advice.
I inherited my SCA1 from my Dad. I am 55.
Ataxia is so unfair but it could be worse. Try to stay fit and strong and eat well.
This is a good place for tips and ideas x
Hi, totally agree with all that Isabelle says especially re Tom Clouse advice it really can work. Look at Reclaiming natural movement and hopefully his book will get finished soon. You can also email Tom if unclear about anything. Stay strong x
Dear Trisha, A HUGE welcopme to this site. You'll find wonderful people on here for support and advice! I'm a 63 year young...,ha!...,woman, diagnosed with Sporadic Cerebellar Ataxia (unknown cause, progressive, symptoms 24/7) thirteen years ago, although I had very minor symptoms starting about eight years before diagnosis. No one in my family, as far back as I know, had/has ataxia, except me! I try to exercise (safely, of course) each day for strength and balance (infact, currently I'm involved in a balance study through a local university in the USA, where I live) and eat as healthy as possible. I totally agree with what Isabel said, concentrate on what you can still do, NOT what you can no longer do! Also, as she and others have said, Dr. Tom Clouse's 'walkingwithataxia" site is very helpful! I try to have a positive attitude, as I can't control having ataxia, but I can control this! My best to you..., ;o)
Hi , I'm Steve and I was diagnosed with SCA6 in 2014 although I had been experiencing the effects since 2007. It was inherited from my mum's side. I have a sister who also has M.S. Welcome to the forum.