Hi are there any Ataxians out there who have tried modafinil for fatigue?
Fatigue: Hi are there any Ataxians out there who... - Ataxia UK
I have tried modafinil before my ataxia problems. I have EA with unknown types (genetic result still pending). I only take a small amount when I really need to hit the deadline. Funnily enough the onset of my EA started a few days after I took modafinil so I sometimes wonder if that was the initial trigger, although I have taken it occasionally for a couple of years. The problem with modafinil is that you feel pretty focused and sharp when the drug is in your system, but afterwards you do crash to compensate. I would not recommend it for the purpose of dealing with fatigue. It is really a short-term performance drug. Also considering that I have a neurological problem already, I will not take it anymore. I hesitate to take anything with a strong effect on my brain because I really don't know what it is doing to the overall system. Of course, you can always take a small dose purely as an experiment etc, it is your body afterall so you can decide. I have cycles of fatigue now as well. I just rest when I feel wiped out...my bf just have to put up with my moody days...at least they do eventually pass...
I could sleep for hours if i let myself, I am in the routine of having a nap for 3 hours in the afternoon, I have to in order to recharge myself!
That's what I was doing but recently I have become short of breath as well and I am totally wiped out. I can stay awake all day if needed but the next day can hardly get myself dressed and will sleep all day. Respiratory consultant says I'm hypoxic so it would explain the tiredness.
Hi everyone I'm Aly I've been fatigued for quite some time now I had major back surgery thirteen months ago was fatigued then and still the same I've had physio and still trying hard to walk again but I get so exhausted that I have nothing to give so no energy to even stand let alone walk is there anyone else out there that has had the same experience