Is there any support groups in suffolk at all ??
Support groups : Is there any support groups in... - Ataxia UK
Support groups

Hi Sophie😊
My knowledge of geography, regarding this country, is disgraceful🙄
Looking on I couldn't decide which support group
was near to you😏
Ring the nearest and ask if they cover your area, they may even know
of someone else near you looking to make contact😊xB
Have a look beyond just ataxia. For example Parkinson's support groups or MS support groups. These conditions share the same symptoms but are better supported than ataxia. Being with other people who are making the best of life despite their challenges is always helpful.
Good luck

Hi Nigel, what does one do then to join the other support groups? Just go along? or will one need a letter from the Doctor?
Hi PGee
Just go along, but contact 1st to check timing etc.
Parkinson's groups are good because they've a good organisation behind them. Next week is Parkinsons awareness week.
Any group based on a neurological condition is fine, they may do exercise, we do tai chi, and or singing, plus they often organise outings it that's your bag. Careers/partners usually welcome too.
Have fun.
Thanks for this